Business Day

Concern for Syrians fades in West


A“SINGLE death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic”. Josef Stalin’s statement is often taken as the epitome of inhumanity — the very opposite of the humane and liberal values cherished in the democratic West.

But when it comes to the war in Syria, the West has been living by Stalin’s dictum. So has the rest of the world. Over the past four years, I have written many columns about Syria full of horrifying statistics. One year, I noted that 50,000 had died; the next year it was 100,000, the following year it was 200,000. Now the figure may be more than 400,000. One thing that has remained consistent is that columns about Syria attract very few readers.

Every now and then, however, a story or an image of an individual tragedy will spark a brief surge of compassion in the West. In 2015, it was the image of the body of Alan Kurdi that sparked an outpouring of anguish. There was something unbearably touching about the photo of the three-year-old boy washed up on a Turkish beach, still in his shorts, shoes and T-shirt.

Yet there is also something mysterious and capricious about these surges of compassion. At the time, a friend of mine who had been reporting the Syrian war from the outset, remarked: “I’ve been tweeting pictures of dead Syrian children for years. Usually, nobody notices.”

There has been a similar pattern of capricious­ness in the West’s reaction to mass drownings at sea. In October 2013, the death of more than 300 would-be refugees in the Mediterran­ean, near the island of Lampedusa, provoked a global outcry, and prompted Italy and then the EU to step up rescue efforts.

Yet just last week, more than 100 people attempting the crossing to Europe drowned off the coast of Egypt. Their tragedy was barely covered in the western media. The number of deaths in the Mediterran­ean seems likely to reach a new peak in 2016, but most of the public seems to have stopped caring.

Western politician­s must somehow try to frame a policy towards Syria that takes account of these unpredicta­ble oscillatio­ns in public sentiment, between indifferen­ce and occasional surges of anguish. Those leaders who have based policy around an assumption that their voters’ compassion would be sustained over many months, have generally been punished.

Last summer, with many Germans brandishin­g signs saying “refugees welcome here”, Angela Merkel decided to take these words literally and opened Germany’s doors to more than 1-million migrants. But after big gains for rightwing, anti-immigratio­n parties in local elections earlier in September, Merkel has apologised publicly for her refugee policy. The compassion has given way to this year’s contrition.

As for US President Barack Obama, when it comes to Syria, he has been accused both of being too callous and too compassion­ate. Many American liberals believe that his failure to intervene to stop the bloodshed will be a permanent stain on his reputation. But he is also under ferocious attack from the right for wanting to let more Syrian refugees into the US.

The current outrage over the Russian bombing of an aid convoy in Syria feels like a potential turning point in the western debate. But past experience suggests that a flurry of interest in Syria will relapse back into confusion and indifferen­ce. Obama knows that sudden surges of public feeling are treacherou­s guides to policy.

The president himself is clearly torn. Last week, in a speech to the UN, he praised Alex, a six-year-old American boy, who had written to the White House to offer a home to Omran Daqneesh, a five-year-old, who was the subject of the year’s “shock photo” from Syria.

Omran had been photograph­ed dazed and bloodied, after being dragged from a bombed building in Aleppo. “We can all learn from Alex,” said Obama.

At other times, however, the US president has seemed fatalistic. As he told the journalist Jeffrey Goldberg, “the world is a tough, complicate­d, messy mean place, and full of hardship and tragedy”.

The only reliable way for America to stop the bloodshed in Syria would be a large-scale military interventi­on involving ground troops. After the Afghan and Iraq wars, there is no reason to believe that the US public would support it. There is definitely a constituen­cy in the US for “interventi­on lite” — perhaps a no-fly zone or attacks on the Syrian air force.

But this kind of limited interventi­on, while satisfying the understand­able urge to do something, might not do much to improve the humanitari­an situation. Syria has had plenty of bombs dropped on it already.

The problem is even more acute when it comes to providing shelter to refugees. In countries as diverse as Germany, the US, the UK, Hungary and Poland, fear of migrants and refugees — particular­ly from Muslim countries — has been successful­ly exploited by populist and far-right politician­s.

With Britain on its way out of the EU, Donald Trump dangerousl­y close to the White House and Merkel’s political future in doubt, it would be folly to ignore the risks that a more open policy towards refugees could feed the rise of the far right in the West.

The conclusion is bleak: to sustain liberal politics at home, western politician­s may have to tolerate outrages against liberal values overseas. © Financial Times 2016

 ?? File picture: REUTERS ?? CHANGE: Angela Merkel has apologised publicly for her refugee policy.
File picture: REUTERS CHANGE: Angela Merkel has apologised publicly for her refugee policy.

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