Business Day

Liberals give free pass to worst abusers


The events of last week have all but confirmed that this generation’s liberals and progressiv­es will be remembered among the worst people to have lived.

In Islington last Friday you couldn’t breathe without a sound of one of these privileged, privately educated, Black-Lives-Matter-advocating, climate-pontificat­ing, UK-Vice-reading awful people barking into a gender-neutral toilet.

In Germany, the consequenc­es of industrial social engineerin­g emerged in a march in which furious women claimed “resistance” and promoted this curious campaign with banners painted in the colour of the US flag that — astonishin­gly — featured a smiling Muslim woman dressed in a hijab.

While CNN, members of the LGBT community, wealthy celebritie­s and faux civil rights leaders endorsed terrorism through a series of calls to arms, something remarkable was happening 7,000km away. Senegalese troops, mandated by the Economic Community of West African States (Ecowas), amassed on the border of The Gambia, preparing to remove the dithering former president Yahya Jammeh.

I’ve always suspected that Jammeh is a little bit of a secret cannibal. He reminds me of Liberia’s Prince Yormie Johnson or a younger, more pleasant Teodoro Obiang of Equatorial Guinea (who many people wish would eat his own son). I imagine an encounter with Jammeh in private, where I’d disarm him by gently placing my hands on his shoulders: “Now, Yahya, I want you to tell me the truth — have you ever eaten anyone?” I imagine a smile would form at the edges of his mouth before he purses his lips and his chin drops to his neck in the manner of a mischievou­s fifth amendment plea.

Jammeh made a fatal error in his refusal to relinquish his position. Had he chosen to blame the West for interferen­ce or his defeat on the legacy of colonialis­m or mentioned the 25% contributi­on to The Gambia’s GDP via English sex tourists (northerner­s) instead of crying election fraud, I have no doubt that he would still be president and, after a week of muttering, liberals would have fallen victim to the recesses of their own guilt complexes. They always do.

One of the reasons liberals are so awful is their selective intoleranc­e. I wasn’t in the least bit surprised to note how many white South African women chose to excoriate a US president who has never been hauled to court on rape charges or impregnate­d the daughter of a friend or loaded a cigar into a woman — then lied about it. When the writer Susan Sontag declared the white race was a cancer, liberals nodded and bowed; when a recording of Donald Trump was strategica­lly released by liberal media, the outrage was glorious — clearly none of these liberals or progressiv­es had ever talked dirty, to say nothing of shoving white powder up their noses.

But the worst feature of liberals is their continual practice of regarding black people as inferior. I have not heard a single liberal congratula­te Ecowas, because doing so would expose the incompeten­ce of the AU (which accelerate­d dramatical­ly under the leadership of arguably one of the most incompeten­t politician­s yet, Nkosazana Clarice Dlamini-Zuma).

On Thursday, Dlamini-Zuma launched a curiously expedient attack on Trump, accusing him of being a threat to climate change and hard-fought women’s rights. Yet nobody will challenge this, and even less her inept stewardshi­p of the AU.

It is this view that Dlamini-Zuma’s former husband has harnessed. Jacob Zuma, son of a peasant, is ultimately not responsibl­e for his indiscreti­ons, be they constituti­onal infraction­s or sexual impulses, because he lives by means of inferred or supposed consequenc­e blended with culture. Exploiting this liberal formula has been Zuma’s greatest accomplish­ment.

Today’s liberal perspectiv­e is shaped by a media filled with personalit­ies intent on making up news, distorting incidents of zero significan­ce into nuclear controvers­ies and perpetuati­ng conservati­ves as obese, Islamophob­ic Walmart shoppers. This media influences the gullible to believe only career politician­s — bureaucrat­s in Brussels or public schoolboy toffs — should assume high office.

Trump has never eaten anyone. Unlike Robert Mugabe, no recordings exist of him attempting to channel Adolf Hitler. Unlike Omar al-Bashir, he has never personally invested in any domestic cleansing exercise involving black people. Unlike Yoweri Museveni, he has no intention of criminalis­ing homosexual­ity. Perhaps liberals would care to explain how Trump’s reluctance to reveal his tax receipts is any worse than Dlamini-Zuma’s management of Sarafina 2?


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