Business Day

Park Geun-Hye returns home Gangnam-style


- Agency Staff Seoul

South Korea’s impeached former president Park Geun-Hye left the Blue House on Sunday, issuing an apology for not completing her term as she arrived back at her private residence. Park vacated the presidenti­al complex, accompanie­d by tight security, two days after the Constituti­onal Court verdict removing her from office over a massive corruption scandal.

The court upheld a parliament­ary vote to impeach Park, removing her from office over a corruption scandal involving her friend Choi Soon-Sil. But she had remained at the presidenti­al Blue House since the verdict, citing the need to repair her private home before moving in.

The ousted leader, seen greeting supporters outside her property on Sunday evening local time, issued an apology through a former spokesman.

“I would like to express an apology for failing to fulfil my term,” Park said, according the Yonhap news agency.

“Although it may take time, I believe the truth will eventually be revealed.”

The court ruling removed Park’s presidenti­al immunity to criminal indictment. She has been named a criminal suspect, accused of bribery for offering policy favours to firms that benefited Choi. For months, she has refused to make herself available for questionin­g by prosecutor­s probing the scandal.

Live television footage followed Park’s motorcade as it drove from the Blue House to her private residence.

A smiling Park was seen waving to her supporters from inside her black vehicle as it pulled up to her home in the glitzy Gangnam district.

Hundreds of Park’s flagwaving supporters had gathered outside her home, with about 2,000 police officers deployed to prevent any disturbanc­es.

Park was found to have broken the law by allowing her friend Choi to meddle in state affairs and breached rules on public servants’ activities.

A presidenti­al election is to be held within 60 days of the ruling, with local media suggesting May 9 as the most likely date. The likely winner is the liberal former Democratic Party leader Moon Jae-In, who enjoys 36% popular support.

“If the power of candleligh­t has brought us this far, we now have to work together for a complete victory,” Moon told a news conference on Sunday, referring to candlelit vigils that called for Park’s ouster. “South Korea will make new history through a regime change.”

Tens of thousands of antiPark protesters took to the streets to celebrate the court’s ruling on Saturday.

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