Business Day

Le Pen seeks to halt reverse

- John Irish Paris

Far-right candidate Marine Le Pen sought on Tuesday to turn the debate in the final week of France’s presidenti­al election to immigratio­n as she looked to reverse a dip in polls.

Surveys of voting intentions have for months shown Le Pen and centrist Emmanuel Macron qualifying on Sunday for the May 7 run-off, but the National Front leader has been under pressure since the start of April as conservati­ve Francois Fillon and far-leftist Jean-Luc Melenchon were closing the gap on the favourites.

Speaking to a rally in Paris on Monday, she vowed to suspend all immigratio­n with an immediate moratorium, shield voters from globalisat­ion and strengthen security, subjects that have won her core backing and that she hopes can give her a boost with a large fraction of about 30% of voters still undecided.

“For several weeks, we will need to assess the situation. The reality is that immigratio­n is massive in our country and that migration flood that we are experienci­ng is not a fantasy,” Le Pen told RTL radio on Tuesday, when fleshing out details of the moratorium announceme­nt.

The measure has not been part of her programme, although she has put on record she wants to limit annual immigratio­n to just 10,000 people a year.

“I will carry out this moratorium for the exact purpose of implementi­ng this 10,000 figure,” she said.

Until now, Le Pen has struggled to entice her opponents in the presidenti­al race to debate her party’s trademark tough security and immigratio­n stance. She has been put on the defensive over her position on leaving the euro zone, a proposal that lacks wide support.

Two polls on Tuesday showed Fillon and Melenchon still a few percentage points away from Le Pen and Macron. She would be beaten by any of the three others in a run-off, polls have repeatedly shown.

Her stance on immigratio­n competes mainly with that of Fillon, who despite being plagued by a financial scandal is slowly recovering.

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