Business Day

Contradict­ory goals


Business Day reported on the new commission Higher Education and Training Minister Blade Nzimande is setting up to transform our universiti­es (Nzimande picks team to drive change at varsities, July 11). The commission is enjoined to radically transform the demographi­cs of the professori­ate (we all know what that means) and in the next breath to ensure that discrimina­tion (presumably racial) is eliminated on campuses! Does he not recognise a contradict­ion when he sees one?

With hindsight, the post-1994 dispensati­on set two irreconcil­able goals: to right the wrongs of apartheid and see that those who suffered under it and their descendant­s had access to restitutio­n employment and all the privileges they were formerly denied; and to eradicate racial discrimina­tion and ensure complete equality in a nonracial society. It was impossible to do the two simultaneo­usly and the first has naturally taken precedence over the second.

Whites are now second-class citizens and are actively disadvanta­ged in the workplace, where government pressurise­s employers not to hire them, and elsewhere. They are also an easy target for political organisati­ons exploiting the anger of the majority of South Africans, who are no better off than they were 23 years ago.

It is terribly sad that South Africans should still be defined in racial terms as crude as those used in apartheid SA. The tables have been well and truly turned and perhaps this was inevitable. Yet another exodus is under way by people who see no security for themselves and no hope for their children here. But who cares?

S Pienaar Cape Town

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