Business Day

President’s spinman at odds with past self

- Justin Sink Washington

Anthony Scaramucci has purged his Twitter account of criticisms of President Donald Trump, saying he did not want to be a “distractio­n” for the White House in his new role as communicat­ions director.

Among the missives that disappeare­d on Saturday were a post referring to Trump’s campaign as a “spectacle” and another in 2012 imploring Democrat Hillary Clinton to run for president. Also gone is a tweet calling Trump ally Newt Gingrich, the former House speaker, an “odd guy”.

“Full transparen­cy: I’m deleting old tweets,” Scaramucci posted on Twitter. “Past views evolved & shouldn’t be a distractio­n. I serve @POTUS agenda & that’s all that matters.”

Among the casualties: a post saying he found the number of people who still believe climate change is a hoax “dishearten­ing”, as well as a tweet arguing that “walls don’t work” as immigratio­n tools.


Scaramucci also deleted a tweet voicing support for “strong guncontrol laws”, which had drawn the ire of the National Rifle Associatio­n, which offered the president a key endorsemen­t during the campaign.

Conservati­ve commentato­r Dana Loesch, in a post that itself has now been deleted, said she found it “concerning” that Scaramucci “has a contrary position” on Second Amendment rights from the president. “You’re talking about someone responsibl­e for presenting President’s message to public,” she said in a second post on Twitter.

While Scaramucci has removed many posts critical of the president or contrary to White House policies, others remain. They include a tweet praising attorney-general Jeff Sessions for recusing himself from the probe into Russian meddling in the election — a move the president said last week made him regret appointing Sessions to lead the justice department.

Scaramucci also left posts critical of the death penalty, which the president supports.

The new communicat­ions director was asked about his previous criticism of the president — and a particular­ly memorable moment when he called Trump a “hack politician” — during his first spin at the briefing room podium on Friday.

“I should have never said that about him,” Scaramucci said, adding that Trump brought it up to him “every 15 minutes”.

“Mr President, if you’re listening, I personally apologise for the 50th time for saying that,” he said, chalking the transgress­ion up to political inexperien­ce.

Trump seemed undisturbe­d by the prior criticism from the new leader of his communicat­ions team. “In all fairness to Anthony Scaramucci, he wanted to endorse me 1st, before the Republican Primaries started, but didn’t think I was running!” Trump wrote.


Scaramucci initially endorsed Wisconsin governor Scott Walker and former Florida governor Jeb Bush over Trump during the 2016 primaries.

The New York financier and former host of Fox News’s revival of Wall Street Week has logged more than 16,000 tweets since joining Twitter in March 2009 — the same month as Trump, whose tweet count now exceeds 35,000.


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