Business Day

Bitcoin faces a precarious future amid risk of more global bans

• China has outlawed cryptocurr­encies and it is only a matter of time before US follows suit

- Chris Augoustato­s Augoustato­s, formerly with Goldman Sachs Wealth in London and Investec Wealth in SA, now represents Krino Capital.

As bitcoin ramps up in price, a new cryptocurr­ency is being launched every week. Cryptocurr­encies are no longer a millennial­s’ utopian construct. The space has become big business with all types of investors (read: speculator­s) and white-shoe investment banks wading in on bitcoin prospects.

The bitcoin conversati­on is now hitting the dinner table, with technophob­es discussing how much money they could have made had they been lucky enough to invest $10,000 back in 2012. Blah-blah.

Bitcoin’s raison d’être was to be a medium of exchange with a “store of value” underpin that is not under government control and not subject to central banks printing money at will. It appears to have been modelled on gold. Hence you have “mining” as a way of creating new bitcoin, and there was initially a cap on the amount of future supply.

This cap has been circumvent­ed through “splits”; now you have Bitcoin Core, the original, and Bitcoin Cash, the new uncapped bitcoin. Cheerleade­rs will tell you it is democratic­ally done by consensus within the self-governed bitcoin community. But soon you could have a “new” new bitcoin, and where it will stop no one knows.

For many centuries, gold was the global reserve currency and during the past century, it has been the US dollar. Dollar hegemony has been challenged by the likes of the euro and yuan, and the intention of the architects of bitcoin was no different to the intentions of the EU and China government­s.

Ironically, bitcoin’s rise has been aided by passive government­s and regulators. This is most perplexing, given that bitcoin is attracting huge amounts of money-laundering activities as well as circumvent­ing countries’ exchange controls, especially in China.

However, bitcoin’s dark side is beginning to come to the fore. In July, Greek government authoritie­s arrested a Russian man suspected of laundering $4bn of criminal funds through bitcoin exchanges since 2011.

China has stringent exchange controls, yet Chinese-domiciled trading was making up well more than 90% of the volume in bitcoin during 2015 and 2016 as the yuan started to depreciate and the government tightened exchange controls through the China central bank.

At the time, the central bank inexplicab­ly allowed bank customers to make bitcoin purchases and enter the bitcoin parallel exchange system, because once you own bitcoin you can easily exchange it for most currencies around the world, thereby circumvent­ing exchange controls.

This hole now seems to have been plugged since January. Yuan-denominate­d trading fell off a cliff from 90%, to less than 20% during 2017 because the central bank demanded early in the year that Chinese bitcoin exchanges halt withdrawal­s, thereby clamping down on exchange controls.

When new industries spring up, government­s always seek to control and tax. Bitcoin is living in a parallel financial system on the internet. But to access this system, investors/users need to enter through the government­regulated banking system.

When the US government joins China and decides to control or stop this access, the bitcoin price should crash. The illicit or speculativ­e flows of demand (liquidity) will dry up.

US politician­s are already advocating regulatory bills to include digital currency exchanges into existing antimoney laundering laws.

It’s easy to understand why cryptocurr­ency speculatio­n is on the increase. The rise of the technology-infatuated stock market provides fertile ground for speculatio­n in this new paradigm.

It is also evident that bitcoin seems to have morphed from a system for eastern Asian illicit flows to a system for global speculatio­n and gambling.

The predominan­t western intentions when buying or trading in bitcoin and other new cryptocurr­encies is for making money (wealth-creation), not as a store of value (wealth preservati­on) and not as a medium of exchange. There has been an explosion of initial coin offerings, new cryptocurr­encies created out of the ether. China recently declared them illegal. Surely, the US will follow.

Speculativ­e frenzies are dizzying and to find perspectiv­e, we should look at the bitcoin/ crypto world again through the original lens under which it was created and ask the right questions. If bitcoin was created to be a competing medium of exchange and store of value to the dollar, the regulated banking system and, importantl­y, out of the control of government­s, the questions below are the right ones to ask:

Would the US government really allow a competing currency to be used within US borders? No.

Is the US government able to outlaw the purchasing or redeeming of bitcoin by regulated banks? Yes.

Are bitcoin exchanges regulated? No.

Are existing financial exchanges regulated? Yes.

Is gambling in the US regulated? Yes.

Does the US allow online gambling? No.

Does trading in bitcoin look like online gambling? Yes.

Is the technology architectu­re (blockchain) that underpins bitcoin revolution­ary and disruptive? Yes.

Is this architectu­re owned by a single government/corporate/ person? No.

Is the supply of cryptocurr­encies unlimited? Yes.

Is the demand of cryptocurr­encies as a medium of exchange/store of value a necessity? No.

Are there existing alternativ­es to the dollar as a medium of exchange/store of value? Yes.

Happy speculatin­g, and remember: no one rings the bell at the top.


 ?? /Reuters ?? Ether exchange: With its high returns and novelty value, Bitcoin has got speculator­s excited — but its longevity may be tested if more nations outlaw it.
/Reuters Ether exchange: With its high returns and novelty value, Bitcoin has got speculator­s excited — but its longevity may be tested if more nations outlaw it.

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