Business Day

Purveyor of propaganda


Presumably in response to my letter (Ditching DStv over ANN7, September 7), Frans Cronje maintains that it is a mistake to put pressure on MultiChoic­e to remove ANN7 from the DStv platform, because “being a free society means having to accept views one disagrees with” (Bad idea to oust ANN7, September 8).

I agree wholeheart­edly with this sentiment, as I respect Cronje’s views in opposition to mine. That said, here is my fundamenta­l difficulty with applying a free speech argument in support of ANN7: ANN7 purports to be a news channel, but, in my view, it is, in fact, a purveyor of shameless and divisive propaganda.

Imagine for a moment that tomorrow MultiChoic­e announces the launch of a new exciting science channel, with shows like “Evolution Debunked” and “How Contracept­ion Kills”. I’d reach for my keyboard to protest the existence of that new channel as readily as I do to argue against the existence of ANN7. Especially if it became widely known that this new channel was sponsored by the Catholic Church. This is not because I deny anyone’s right to take these views. I do, however, deny their right to espouse such views in a public forum and call it science.

My position has nothing to do with free speech, it has everything to do with integrity — in my book you don’t get to be a sponsored, propagandi­st mouthpiece and then masquerade as a “24-hour news channel focusing on constructi­ve, nation-building stories in the interests of building a culture of unity and pride in SA” (taken verbatim from the ANN7 website). How’s that been working out for us?

In any event, I agree with the basic tenet of Cronje’s approach. Long live the free market — MultiChoic­e should absolutely get to choose whether to enable the likes of ANN7.

So should KPMG. So should McKinsey. And so should I.

I choose not to. Cancelling my DStv subscripti­ons won’t move the needle, I know, but it does make me feel a little better.

G Malan Parkhurst

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