Business Day

All about ethnicity


In a few sentences, Sam Ditshego revealed more about South African politics than all the English language media in the country put together (Odds against Ramaphosa, September 5). It is indeed, as he says, all about ethnicity. Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa is at a political disadvanta­ge because he is not Nguni (Zulu or Xhosa). Thabo Mbeki and many other Xhosas suffered when [Jacob] Zuma, belonging to the biggest ethnic group, took over.

Don’t feel too bad, Ramaphosa, history is just repeating itself in Africa. In the 1950s, Jomo Kenyatta romped from jail to president because he belonged to the majority Kikuyu in Kenya. And President Robert Mugabe surprised the world by winning 70% of the votes, because 70% of the people in Zimbabwe were Shona.

And ditto Sam Nujoma’s victory in 1989, with a majority Ovambo population in Namibia.

Simon Fourie


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