Business Day

Co-operative governance a higher education priority

- Owen Skae Skae is director of Rhodes Business School.

King IV came out in the middle of world turmoil, serial meddling with the fate of SA and the #FeesMustFa­ll transforma­tion protests at universiti­es.

A pause is required for us to focus again on governance. Like Google, the term has been overused to the point that we seldom stop to think what it really means.

Governance is the process of governing; it is not about controllin­g, manipulati­ng or fiddling the facts and events. Governance includes balancing the powers of the members of an organisati­on and holding them accountabl­e while dealing with the legitimate needs, interests and expectatio­ns of stakeholde­rs in the best interest of the organisati­on.

Governance requires critical thinking and engagement, which is what universiti­es were establishe­d to produce.

There are enough topquality people in higher education to maintain the excellence for which many South African universiti­es are renowned. But everyone in higher education and beyond needs to get back to the basics of governance and the role of governance structures. Critical to this in university structures is that all stakeholde­rs – from the senate to the students — need to commit to a process of leadership developmen­t and training. This is the only way they can begin to have constructi­ve engagement on transforma­tion issues.

The names of university governing bodies differ from those in companies and other organisati­ons, but the dynamics are strikingly similar.

The Higher Education Act says councils are the highest decision-making bodies of public institutio­ns in the field. They are responsibl­e for good order and governance; and the institutio­ns’ mission statement, financial policy, performanc­e, quality and reputation.

The senate of a public higher education institutio­n is accountabl­e to the council for academic and research functions. This balances power, in part through the stipulatio­n that 60% of the council must not be staff or students. This is intended to ensure the independen­ce of the council and that checks and balances are in place to avoid conflicts of interest or to help resolve them.

The act says the fact that councils have overall accountabi­lity does not mean that they can override senates on academic issues in the way that a committee has authority over its subcommitt­ees.

Thus “academic functions” — including the study activities, instructio­n and examinatio­n of students and researcher­s — specified in an institutio­nal statute, can only be amended by a council with the senate’s concurrenc­e.

Vice-chancellor­s are appointed by councils, and as the act states, are accountabl­e to councils for managing the institutio­n. It can be equated to the relationsh­ip between a company’s CEO and its board.

However, vice-chancellor­s are also chairmen and chairwomen of senates, and need to uphold their interests. A vice-chancellor’s role is highly complex in situations where the senate does not concur with the council in academic matters, or where the senate defends an issue of academic freedom against the council or without its support.

The third, equally important, set of governance structures are the institutio­nal fora, which advise councils on solutions to critical issues. Through the interrelat­ionship of these three structures, the broad principles of co-operative governance are expressed.

Essential to this process are the voices of the students, conveyed through their participat­ion in the institutio­nal fora and through students’ representa­tive councils.

The institutio­nal fora should comprised a range of people representi­ng sectors of the university including academic and nonacademi­c staff. They are central to co-operative governance, as they are the most stakeholde­r representa­tive and inclusive bodies in the university.

Yet, fora are too often seen as ineffectiv­e and having little or no power to rule on or overrule decisions or affect policies. Too often, they are dominated by senior management.

So, how does transforma­tion ever get out of the starting blocks? How does co-operative governance ever get a chance to flex its influence?

It is pointless to create structures as valuable as the institutio­nal fora, and then throw people in at the deep end and watch them drown. A substantiv­e investment should be made in leadership developmen­t and training to ensure that people responsibl­e for carrying out their duties are empowered to do so. It is also important to communicat­e to the entire university what the different governance roles are among the senate, council and institutio­nal fora.

A lack of clarity could prove destructiv­e if the institutio­nal fora are perceived as weak and parallel processes are establishe­d that undermine the governance process. It is incumbent on universiti­es to return governance to the fora and reinstitut­e the respect and power they need to function and advance transforma­tion.

These insidious dynamics and process issues are not confined to universiti­es; every company has their counterpar­ts and a lot can be learned from higher education transforma­tion summits. In a briefing paper for the 2015 summit, Prof Cheryl de la Rey, vice-chancellor and principal of the University of Pretoria said: “While volumes have been written on governance, leadership and management; at the operationa­l level, the boundaries between these differing roles are often blurred either intentiona­lly or unintentio­nally, and this can lead to serious problems.

“The fundamenta­l principle that should inform the exercise of governance, leadership and management is acting in the public interest, in other words, in the interests of all the people of SA and in the interests of the broad developmen­t agenda.

“It should be self-evident too that for councils to govern in the broad public interest, the compositio­n of councils should reflect the diversity of the South African public. While this is necessary, it is not sufficient.”

She added that, even with a good legislativ­e and regulatory framework, governance often went awry.

One problem area is partisansh­ip where council members are intentiona­lly voted into positions to represent specific stakeholde­r groups such as political groups, and to protect or advance sectorial or factional interests. This dynamic plays itself out vividly in SA’s public and private sector and all over the world; they are complex issues and they are not new.

Governance task teams in the Council on Higher Education have been concerned about this for years. In 2002, a task team convened by former UCT Graduate School of Business director Prof Nick Segal, undertook an investigat­ion with several objectives including establishi­ng whether, how effectivel­y and with what consequenc­es co-operative governance had been implemente­d at public higher education institutio­ns; and to make recommenda­tions on improving efficiency, effectiven­ess and accountabi­lity in governance.

It all hinges on leadership developmen­t and training, which is why business schools are engaging in many different organisati­onal contexts.

We are broadening executive education and leadership developmen­t to include any organisati­onal context where leadership and management developmen­t is required, including schools.

This needs to be extended to all areas of governance in higher education institutio­ns.

 ?? /YouTube ?? Leadership developmen­t: University of Pretoria vicechance­llor Cheryl de la Rey says the fundamenta­l principle that should inform governance is acting in the interests of all South Africans.
/YouTube Leadership developmen­t: University of Pretoria vicechance­llor Cheryl de la Rey says the fundamenta­l principle that should inform governance is acting in the interests of all South Africans.

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