Business Day

Senate wants Apple answers

- Agency Staff Washington

The chairman of a US senate committee overseeing business issues has asked Apple to answer questions about its disclosure that it slowed older iPhones with flagging batteries.

The chairman of a US senate committee overseeing business issues has asked Apple to answer questions about its disclosure that it slowed older iPhones with flagging batteries.

The California-based company apologised over the issue on December 28, cut battery replacemen­t costs and said it would change its software to show users whether their phone battery was performing at optimal levels.

Senator John Thune, who chairs the commerce, science and transporta­tion committee, said in a January 9 letter to Apple CEO Tim Cook that “the large volume of consumer criticism levelled against the company in light of its admission suggests that there should have been better transparen­cy”.

Apple said it would cut the price of a replacemen­t for an out-of-warranty battery to $29 from $79 for an iPhone 6 or later. The company would also update its iOS operating system so users could see whether the battery was in poor condition and affecting performanc­e.

Thune asked if Apple considered making free battery replacemen­ts available or if it had explored offering rebates for customers who paid full price for replacemen­t batteries.

He wanted to know if Apple had notified consumers of the throttling feature in software updates, which slows the phone, and if customers had the option of declining the update. He also asked if similar software was used in earlier iPhone models. Thune wants Apple’s answers by January 23.

An Apple spokesman did not respond to a request for comment early on Wednesday.

In December, Apple said: “We know that some of you feel Apple has let you down. We apologise.” It had acknowledg­ed earlier in the month that iPhone software could slow down some phones with battery problems. Apple said ageing lithium batteries delivered power unevenly, which could cause iPhones to shut down unexpected­ly to protect circuits inside.

Lawsuits have been filed in California, New York and Illinois, alleging the company defrauded users by slowing down devices without warning. Apple also faces a legal complaint in France, where “planned obsolesce” is illegal.

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