Business Day

Auditors and accountant­s have been given an integrity wake-up call

Qualified, unbiased profession­als are vital for building, defending and maintainin­g strong national institutio­ns

- Wiseman Nkuhlu Nkuhlu starts as the chairman of KPMG SA on March 1.

Ihave always believed that strong institutio­ns can help to build strong states. And it is driven by this belief that I have dedicated a significan­t amount of my life to working with South African companies, associatio­ns, nongovernm­ent organisati­ons and universiti­es. As we know only too well, many of our institutio­ns have become so weak that our country is now at a defining moment. The world is watching how we respond.

Not so long ago, we were excited and galvanised by the conviction, both as a nation and as a continent, that Africa’s time had come. All of us had good reason to believe that if we worked hard the story of the 21st century would be an African one. Today we are painfully far from achieving that vision.

Corruption, poor administra­tion and consistent­ly weak service delivery have engulfed SA. On the ground, poor financial management and loose accountabi­lity cripple the very communitie­s that most need effective local government. At the national level, we have suffered from the weakening of institutio­ns that are vital to ensuring that our democracy is safe and our economy is strong. Our country’s failures can be seen in almost every part of our society.

It is deeply disappoint­ing that 27% of children in SA who have attended school for six years are unable to read with understand­ing. In Tanzania, this figure is only 4%. GDP per capita is almost 50% higher in Gabon than it is in SA. The average citizen of Senegal can expect to live for almost four more years than the average South African.

As chancellor of the University of Pretoria, it breaks my heart whenever I meet highly talented graduates who intend to leave our country and not return. Sadly, I meet such young people all too often. The reasons that South Africans do worse than so many others who live elsewhere on the continent are varied and complex, but solving this will not be helped if many of our cleverest young people see a better future for themselves only outside of SA.

All leaders have the responsibi­lity for making sure the right environmen­t is created so that future generation­s can thrive in our country. Sure, this will take much-improved political leadership, but having the right environmen­t extends beyond the government into almost all areas of society, especially in the institutio­ns and organisati­ons on whose probity, expertise and independen­ce we all depend.

The chartered accountant qualificat­ion is such an institutio­n. It is only awarded to people who have successful­ly studied and trained for years and many who have the qualificat­ion go on to have careers in which they advise or run businesses and public sector organisati­ons. It is internatio­nally recognised because it is carefully regulated and its standards are strictly enforced.

I qualified as a chartered accountant in 1976 because I wanted to play a part in equipping SA with the financial knowledge and skills it needed to become a prosperous democracy. I felt the weight of responsibi­lity from holding the qualificat­ion and have spent the past 40 years promoting the benefits that SA derives from having a pool of chartered accountant­s.

The auditing profession is another vital institutio­n. It is only with properly audited informatio­n that financial markets can function, companies can access financing and government­s can make confident policy decisions. It is no exaggerati­on to say that our economy would seize up if we did not have corporate and public accounts independen­tly verified by people who are qualified, lack bias and show profession­al scepticism. In exchange for the respect that an auditor’s official opinion should command, auditors must never forget their obligation to the public, particular­ly in a transformi­ng country like SA. Because here, beyond their statutory role, auditors represent a vital line of defence against misreprese­ntation, deception and fraud.

The country cannot afford to lose confidence in the audit profession but, sadly, that is exactly what has started to happen.

KPMG’s recent challenges have been well documented, as have those of other large audit firms, companies and advisory firms. Many of those in positions of trust should have known better and the subsequent loss of confidence and breakdown in trust have been deeply damaging for the whole country.

As a young accountant in the 1970s, I saw how the profession was crucial to the efforts being made to build a fairer and more prosperous country. Given recent events, I am not so sure my young self would make the same career choice. This saddens me profoundly, especially as the profession also instils a culture of public service that benefits charities and the wider community. It cannot do these things if it is not strong and is not seen as an attractive career path for talented individual­s, particular­ly the young.

Although it is painful for those of us who have dedicated decades to building the profession, recent events serve as a timely wake-up call to the responsibi­lity the profession carries in the public’s eye.

That’s why I have agreed to become the first nonexecuti­ve chairman of KPMG SA with effect from March 1.

I believe passionate­ly in the role that accountant­s, auditors and profession­al advisers play in making our economy efficient and productive and am determined to do what it takes to ensure that KPMG will deliver what the public rightly expects. I want KPMG to be looked up to by all as a place with the strongest governance, ethics and values, which can be seen in everything the firm does.

I am joining KPMG because I believe it is critical that we have a strong profession in SA and that there is competitio­n and choice for clients. Through the thorough examinatio­n of what went wrong, we will rebuild a stronger firm that helps to inspire confidence and empower change for the whole country. KPMG’s transforma­tion will take time, but I am determined that it will happen.

I want to set an example to South African profession­als everywhere of the obligation people with statutory qualificat­ions have to society. In talking to my friends who are trained in other profession­s such as engineerin­g, education, medicine and law, I feel all of us need reminding of the constant need to uphold the principles and values that our qualificat­ions embody.

As South Africans, all of us face a critical test. Too many in leadership positions have failed to stand up for the values underpinni­ng our young democracy. The world has been patient with us, but it will not be forever.

In tackling the problems facing our country, all of us have a role to play. Whether it is by using the trust that comes with a particular qualificat­ion or simply by calling out injustice and corruption every time and wherever we see it.

I welcome the chance to enter the arena and help ensure the audit profession and KPMG meet the expectatio­ns that the country rightly sets for us. I have faith in my fellow chartered accountant­s, just as I have faith in my fellow South Africans.


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