Business Day

Biased view of Palestine


When a university professor writes an article, the least one expects is a semblance of objectivit­y (Veil off anti-Israel lobby, January 16). Honesty would be sine qua non. Hailing from the University of Cape Town’s historical studies department, one would at least expect historical appreciati­on of context, space and time.

Milton Shain sadly fails on all counts simply because he operates as a hack for the Israel lobby, particular­ly its extreme-right, Islamophob­ic version. Strangely, he begins by categorisi­ng the actions of the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement as “subversive” – in this Shain mimics antisemite­s, who use such loaded terms to question the loyalty of Jews to their home countries. He flips that to Palestinia­n human rights activists.

He then accuses this organisati­on of having “captured the foreign policy of the ANC and state”. Another mimicry of antisemite­s against Jews. But it is also an insult to the integrity of the ANC, which is characteri­sed as a body unable to make independen­t decisions in a highly contested environmen­t. In fact, I cannot remember an ANC conference where solidarity with Palestinia­ns has not been a feature. But, as a historian, he should know that the relationsh­ip between South African liberation movements and such Palestinia­n movements goes back decades, having in common colonisati­on, apartheid and oppression.

Shain then introduces his predictabl­e canard: “only Israel is in the dock”. He ignores the fact that Cuba has been politicall­y and economical­ly isolated for years, resulting in extreme hardship; North Korea, Iran and Syria face crippling sanctions; and western powers have played a significan­t role in destroying the fabrics of Iraq, Syria and Libya. Yet Shain’s alt-reality consists only of a single state that receives billions of dollars of aid from the US, and one that has faced no UN or other sanctions for its war crimes, daily gross violation of human rights and its apartheid. This could define chutzpah.

Palestine is a struggle for civil, political and human rights of all Palestinia­ns – Muslims, Christian and Jews — which we should refrain from essentiali­sing to religion. Tellingly, Palestinia­ns are absent from Shain’s universe, except as barbarians not worthy of humanity and, consequent­ly, rights. Shuaib Manjra Rondebosch

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