Business Day

Tackle corruption urgently


While there is much to celebrate, as reflected on in Tim Cohen’s column, it is necessary to distinguis­h between addressing the symptoms of the excesses of the Zuma years and tackling the causes of the those symptoms (The question now is how quickly can South Africa get back on track, January 22).

The need to strengthen the institutio­ns of governance contemplat­ed by our constituti­onally based democratic order is not achieved by a process of musical chairs at state-owned enterprise­s immediatel­y and in the Cabinet shortly.

The seditious capture of the criminal justice administra­tion, and in particular the dysfunctio­n in the anticorrup­tion machinery of state, ought to be the first order of business of the new brooms bent on truly sweeping clean in the body politic. Any failure of the political will needed to effect the necessary reforms and interventi­ons urgently will result in a short “buffalo spring” and increasing­ly exacerbate­d human misery in SA.

Systemical­ly and systematic­ally addressing the operationa­l and structural flaws, failings and flops at the Hawks and in the National Prosecutin­g Authority will be neglected by Luthuli House at the peril of the success of the spring so long awaited and so sorely needed.

Paul Hoffman, SC

Director, Accountabi­lity Now

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