Business Day

Creating crisis is a way to initiate change

- ANTHONY BUTLER Butler teaches public policy at the University of Cape Town.

It sometimes seems that SA is inherently unstable and beset by calamities that threaten to unravel the whole fabric of society. However, in a conservati­ve and deeply resilient country such as SA, an apparent crisis is usually not a real crisis.

At first sight, President Cyril Ramaphosa’s ambitious drive to boost foreign and domestic investment cannot be reconciled with his calls for land expropriat­ion without compensati­on. Surely a crisis of confidence in property rights will destroy investor confidence?

The trouble with a real catastroph­e is that once it strikes it is usually too late to do much about it.

The most astute politician­s and business moguls recognise this fact. For this reason, they try to identify the potential solutions to major challenges in advance. Only then do they engender a sense of crisis that allows a chokehold on policy change to be released.

SA’s apparent crises are often the creations of canny politician­s and businesspe­ople working in cahoots.

Take the democratic transition, in which Ramaphosa played such a crucial role.

The negotiator­s on both sides could see what a sustainabl­e political settlement would entail. Their real challenge, however, was to bring their own constituen­cies into line.

How could white racial extremists, leftist anticapita­lists and African nationalis­ts be persuaded to support a constituti­onal settlement based on human rights and commerce? Only by creating a sense of historic crisis.

This admittedly violence-fuelled uncertaint­y encouraged unexpected compromise­s to be reached. Ultimately, it resulted in a settlement that could never have been sold to either side based on rational dialogue alone.

Less than a decade later, an HIV/AIDS calamity threatened fiscal crisis, social disintegra­tion and the destructio­n of democratic politics. A crisis-awakened country responded with massive prevention and care interventi­ons and with the world’s largest treatment programme. Conflict over HIV entrenched the legitimacy of an activist judiciary and establishe­d the fallibilit­y of overbearin­g presidents.

It is arguable that the greatest challenge for AIDS policy in SA today is that the HIV epidemic is no longer viewed as a crisis. New HIV infections have fallen by half since 2010.

However, SA still has the largest epidemic in the world, with more than 7-million people living with the virus.

A little more than half of HIV-positive people are receiving antiretrov­iral therapies, rather than the nine out of 10 that is the government’s stated goal.

In SA, a crisis is sometimes needed to get the right things done. A land expropriat­ion crisis may therefore be the opposite of what it seems: an opportunit­y rather than a threat.

Ramaphosa doubtless had little choice but to act on the resolution adopted by the ANC at its conference last December, but the political energy that has been unleashed by the “land question” may now be channelled towards longantici­pated and benign policy changes that have been blocked by entrenched interests.

Vested interests take many forms: traditiona­l leaders who deny their subjects control over their own land in much of rural SA; commercial farmers who have used evictions to reduce their exposure to perceived political risks; municipali­ties that have failed to document ownership in peri-urban areas; parastatal­s and government department­s that have blocked the use of their land for housing and economic developmen­t; and property owners who have used political donations and litigation to protect their private economic advantages.

Engenderin­g a sense of crisis always carries risks, of course.

Having a land crisis in SA, however, may ultimately be far less hazardous than not having one.

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