Business Day

Hysteria is not helping SA


Pessimism and expectatio­ns of instant solutions are the diseases of our time. It is bewilderin­g how people blindly believe what prophets of doom and populists dish up. In SA people talk about genocide and even announce it on foreign platforms, while farm murders are at their lowest level in 20 years.

In the US Donald Trump describes immigrants as rapists and criminals, while white Americans are responsibl­e for regular mass shootings. He even announced that crime in Germany was on the rise due to immigrants, while it has actually decreased.

Of course we are facing problems, as is the case in other countries, but skewed facts and incitement increase tension, lead to division and do not contribute to solutions.

Another disease of our time is the expectatio­n of instant solutions. What went wrong over many years, even over generation­s, cannot be rectified overnight.

Diversity, a divided nation and socioecono­mic inequality, worsened by corruption and state capture during the Zuma era, create a fertile breeding ground for populists and opportunis­ts on all sides to divide and mislead.

Now more than ever, it is important that cool heads prevail. President Cyril Ramaphosa is busy turning a huge ship around. His strategy is longer term — he is not playing the game of the populists, who put short-term own interests above those of the country.

A longer-term perspectiv­e, constructi­ve criticism and positive inputs are what our country needs now, not mass hysteria.

Dawie Jacobs Sterrewag

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