Business Day

Call out negative policies


The EU is far from perfect but it allowed the UK to prosper significan­tly from the time it joined in 1973. The proof is all over the economy for all to see.

If — and I mean if — Brexit does happen and the UK chooses to leave the biggest free market in the world, there will be an economic backlash.

How do you work with liars? The world has become full of them just like it was before World War 2 and during the 1950s in the US when propaganda was used to hound communists.

McCarthyis­m is now widely understood as the practice of making accusation­s of treason without proper regard for evidence. Yet, unproven accusation­s are nowadays emanating from many government leaders around the world.

Before the human race educates itself it has an obligation to improve the lot of all. We should all do what we can to improve everything for everybody. Institutio­ns such as the EU are far from perfect but their aim should only be to improve the lives of all of us — not a slim minority. Otherwise, as time has shown, the masses will pull it down.

Is it not time we spoke up to improve our lot in Africa? It is time to call out the AU for blessing Zimbabwe’s elections, which were obviously flawed. It is time to call out the negative policies of all of our political parties and start demanding a fair and better SA.

We have the skills, but do we have the will of the people to make SA the promised land we all voted for in 1994?

Stephen W Burrow Modderfont­ein

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