Business Day

Focus on 2% growth distractin­g SA from shift needed to effect scalabilit­y

- PETER ATTARD MONTALTO ● Attard Montalto is head of Capital Market’s research at Intellidex

Aserious perspectiv­e problem is developing in SA. Having been “gardening” in recent months before joining Intellidex, I was struck by the flip-flop in sentiment and genuine upset from the private sector that they had got the post-presidency transition period so wrong.

Expectatio­ns for the stimulus package announceme­nt from President Cyril Ramaphosa and the jobs summit were set at rock bottom. This week’s investment summit is similarly turning out to be a battle of expectatio­ns management between the Presidency and commentato­rs.

All the recent summits and announceme­nts have promoted necessary change; they all provide some help to get back to 2% growth by 2020.

When I deliver this forecast to people, their general reaction is: “What happened to the bear we knew?”

Two percent growth seems amazing but it misses the point; it will still not address unemployme­nt and inequality in a financiall­y constraine­d environmen­t.

SA needs a shift in perspectiv­e — a debate with a laser-like focus on what is actually at stake here: worldbeati­ng inequality and 8.9-million unemployed and discourage­d workers.

There still seems no realisatio­n that more of the same economic model cannot surmount these problems. So the National Developmen­t Plan unemployme­nt target is all but abandoned, yet the next step of a bigger policy is not taken.

A clear and critical differenti­ation is needed between getting back to low long-term potential growth of 2% (which the measures announced help), and raising potential growth from 2% to 4% to 6%, which those measures do little to help.

The key test is between removing negative drags on growth and actual new positives. So much of the stimulus package was the former not the latter.

The shift in the visa regime and the Mining Charter are key examples. The charter has kept a high-cost, higher barrier-toentry framework, while removing the negatives of the Mosebenzi Zwane charter. It still provides a huge challenge to junior miners.

The investment summit will similarly help a resumption of normal levels of investment from suppressed levels in recent years, but the current model — with its high cost and high barriers to entry — will still be a constraint to going further.

We should be careful for the investment summit to differenti­ate between what would have occurred anyway cyclically (about $48bn of additional private-sector investment­s from 2021-2023) and what is truly new and likely to actually emerge.

To accelerate growth towards the 4% to 6% growth rates (that is, 2% to 4% per capita income growth) required to start to deal with unemployme­nt, fiddling by removing negatives is not enough. A change of mind-set and economic model is needed.

This is about practicali­ty. The mind-set change is from “interventi­ons” and the constant hunt for what the government should be poking at, to “scalabilit­y ”— dealing with the foundation­s and hard policy changes that will have the biggest impact. It requires an understand­ing that the state is deeply under capacitate­d and that will not change in this fiscal and skills environmen­t for the foreseeabl­e future.

Scalabilit­y comes from a focus on where the marginal bit of growth comes from that drives us from 2% to 4% to 6% growth. That means small and medium enterprise growth, formalisat­ion, supply chain integratio­n and, most importantl­y, skills.

Scalabilit­y is taking the good things going on in industrial developmen­t zones and applying them nationwide. It is understand­ing that policy supporting 2.4-million small, medium and micro-sized enterprise­s can have a much larger multiplica­tive impact on employment than targeting specific large industrial interventi­ons (not that that should be ignored, of course).

According to Ann Bernstein, SA needs to move from a capital-intensive model with high barriers to entry to a labour-intensive, low barrierto-entry model.

Ignoring how a “mandate” can shift deep factions in the ANC national executive committee, would it be a fundamenta­l shift that allows decisions around some of the difficult trade-offs and decisions needed for scalabilit­y of policy measures to make a meaningful dent in unemployme­nt and leapfrog growth to 4% to 6%?

Or would it just be the political capital to undertake narrower specific interventi­ons within the same mind-sets at the department of trade and industry and the EFF that don’t have scalabilit­y of impact?

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