Business Day

Saudi investment summit in crisis

Global policymake­rs, media and corporatio­ns back out of the kingdom’s Future Investment Initiative conference

- Agency Staff /AFP

Saudi Arabia will host a key investment summit on Tuesday, overshadow­ed by the killing of critic Jamal Khashoggi that has prompted policymake­rs and corporate giants to withdraw.

Saudi Arabia will host a key investment summit on Tuesday, overshadow­ed by the killing of critic Jamal Khashoggi that has prompted policymake­rs and corporate giants to withdraw.

Just ahead of the three-day Future Investment Initiative, dubbed “Davos in the desert”, the kingdom sought to defuse the crisis with an about-face admission on Saturday that the journalist died in its consulate in Istanbul. But that has failed to stem an exodus from the summit, whose organisers have |taken down a list of speakers from its website.

Dozens of executives — from bankers JP Morgan to carmaker Ford and ride-hailing app Uber — scrapped plans to attend. Media powerhouse­s like Bloomberg, CNN and the Financial Times have pulled out and on Saturday Australia withdrew its representa­tives, saying it was “no longer appropriat­e” to attend due to the Khashoggi affair.

On Saturday organisers said more than 120 speakers and moderators will participat­e. Last Monday, they had listed more than 150 speakers.

The event seeks to project the historical­ly insular kingdom as a lucrative business destinatio­n, in a bid to diversify its oilreliant economy and set the stage for new ventures and multibilli­on-dollar contracts.

At 2017’s inaugural Future Investment Initiative — a starstudde­d event at Riyadh’s glittering Ritz-Carlton hotel — Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was lionised as a visionary as he wowed investors with talking robots and plans for a futuristic megacity called Neom.

Billed in 2017 as an economic coming-out party for the conservati­ve petro-state, the conference has now come to symbolise global outrage over the silencing of critics.

The prince, widely known as MBS, faces what the risk consultanc­y Eurasia Group calls “an acute public relations crisis”.

Khashoggi, who had criticised Prince Mohammed, was last seen entering the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on October 2. After weeks of denials, the kingdom’s assertion on Saturday that the journalist was killed in a “brawl and fist fight” inside the consulate — without revealing the whereabout­s of his body — was met with scepticism around the world.

“The Ubers and JP Morgans of the world have calculated that the cost of being associated with brand MBS is higher than the cost of losing out on taking a slice of Saudi Arabia’s economy,” said Michael Stephens, a Middle East expert at the Royal United Services Institute.

Many Western firms have too much at stake to abandon the Arab world’s biggest economy, and many are preparing to send lower-level executives.

Senior investment bankers from HSBC and Credit Suisse are planning to attend the conference even though their CEOs have cancelled their attendance, Bloomberg News reported. Companies from China and Russia have shown little interest in withdrawin­g from the event, an organiser said.

Though several western leaders like Internatio­nal Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde have pulled out, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan will attend the forum as Islamabad seeks funding to plug its deteriorat­ing finances.

But a wider western boycott of the conference suggests rising political risks in Saudi Arabia that could cast a shadow over foreign direct investment, which a UN body said plunged in 2017 to a 14-year low.

“Despite talk of reform, Future Investment Initiative inflows into Saudi have stayed low and the (Khashoggi) scandal will only increase investor uncertaint­y,” said research firm Capital Economics.

For now the kingdom’s finances appear well cushioned by a spike in oil prices, now over $80 a barrel, which analysts say has reduced the urgency for outside funding.

“More speculativ­e projects, like Neom, will find it harder to attract investors, but ‘meat and potatoes’ diversific­ation through heavy industry will probably continue unabated,” said Steffen Hertog, professor at the London School of Economics.

Khashoggi’s killing fits a pattern of a recent crackdown on dissent in the kingdom, with Prince Mohammed, King Salman’s son and the de facto ruler, arresting clerics, business high-fliers and women activists.

Further stoking investor anxiety, the kingdom is embroiled in a war in Yemen and is leading an embargo against Qatar. Riyadh has also engaged in diplomatic disputes with Germany and Canada that threatened business ties.

“Cancellati­ons at ‘Davos in the Desert’ by the likes of Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and BlackRock go beyond reputation­al issues,” said Cinzia Bianco, a Middle East analyst at Gulf State Analytics. “Big businesses are telling MBS ‘enough with the adventuris­m, instabilit­y and uncertaint­y — our big foes’.”

But western companies abandoning Saudi are causing “irreparabl­e damage” to their own business interests in the kingdom, said Ghanem Nuseibeh, founder of London-based risk consultanc­y Cornerston­e Global Associates, who has vigorously defended the kingdom’s stand on Khashoggi.

“It will soon be business as usual,” he said.

Last week pro-Saudi business figures on social media called for Gulf countries and allies of Riyadh to boycott companies that have pulled out of the Future Investment Initiative. But the apparent arm twisting has not stopped the outcry over Khashoggi.

 ?? /Reuters ?? Protest: An activist dressed as Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman marches in front of the White House in Washington during a demonstrat­ion calling for sanctions against Saudi Arabia and against the disappeara­nce of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
/Reuters Protest: An activist dressed as Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman marches in front of the White House in Washington during a demonstrat­ion calling for sanctions against Saudi Arabia and against the disappeara­nce of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

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