Business Day

Facebook and Twitter under fire over ads

- Agency Staff Brussels /AFP

Facebook and Twitter are doing too little to scrutinise advertisin­g placements on their sites in the run-up to EU elections in May, despite their pledges to fight disinforma­tion, EU officials say.

In a second monthly report, officials at the European Commission, the EU’s executive arm, said the US internet companies did not show what they had done in January to scrutinise such ad placements.

They said Google offered data on actions taken in January to better study ad placements but did not clarify the extent to which it tackled disinforma­tion or other problems, such as misleading advertisin­g.

“We urge Facebook, Google and Twitter to do more across all member states to help ensure the integrity of the European Parliament elections in May 2019,” said a statement by vicepresid­ent for the digital single market Andrus Ansip and other officials.

“We also encourage platforms to strengthen their cooperatio­n with fact checkers and academic researcher­s to detect disinforma­tion campaigns and make fact-checked content more visible and widespread,” they said.

In January, the commission started producing monthly reports on what the internet players have done to meet pledges made late in 2018 in a “code of practice” to fight disinforma­tion.

As in the first report, Facebook on Thursday topped the list for criticism. Not only did it not report the results of activities in January to inspect ad placements, it did not report on the number of fake accounts removed for malicious actions targeting the EU.

The social network has in the past been accused of being used as a platform to spread divisive or misleading informatio­n, most notably during the 2016 election that put US President Donald Trump in the White House.

Facebook ads have also been at the centre of the FBI investigat­ion over Russia’s alleged meddling in that election and suspicions are rife that the Kremlin has interfered in votes across Europe. Moscow has repeatedly denied allegation­s of hacking and meddling in foreign elections through disinforma­tion over recent years.

Analysts warn that populist parties opposed to EU democratic values could do well in the May 23-26 elections by playing on anti-immigratio­n sentiment. Such parties have already done well in national elections.


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