Business Day

China continues to suspend tariffs on US cars, parts

- Stella Qiu and Yawen Chen Beijing

China’s State Council says that the country will continue to suspend additional tariffs on US vehicles and automotive parts after April 1, in a goodwill gesture following a US decision to delay tariff hikes on Chinese imports.

In December, China said it would suspend additional 25% tariffs on US-made vehicles and parts for three months, following a truce in a trade war between the world’s two largest economies.

The Council, or cabinet, said Sunday State’ s move was aimed at “continuing to create a good atmosphere for the ongoing trade negotiatio­ns between both sides.

“We hope the US can work together with China, accelerate negotiatio­ns and make concrete efforts towards the goal of terminatin­g trade tensions.” The government said it would announce separately when the suspension would end.

US President Donald Trump said on Friday that trade talks with China were going very well, but cautioned that he would not accept anything less than a great deal after top US and Chinese trade officials wrapped up two days of negotiatio­ns in Beijing.

US treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin and trade representa­tive Robert Lighthizer were in the Chinese capital for the first face-to-face meetings between the two sides since Trump delayed a scheduled March 2 increase in tariffs on $200bn of Chinese goods.

25% the additional tariffs on US-made vehicles and parts, which China said in December it would suspend for three months

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