Business Day




1 Is it used as writing material

in Parisian schools? (6-5) 9 System of administra­tion, for nearly all the colonel’s responsibi­lity (7) 10 Undressed sheepskin found

in the herb garden (5) 11 They are counted when the cross-examinatio­n takes place (5)

12 Not in the mail for a distant

station (7)

13 Upset by scares - handle

with tenderness (6) 15 Being unsullied, hurry past

the first of the criminals (6) 18 Can be measured to some degree as looking far from graceful (7)

20 A lot will be disposed of

when this falls (5)

22 They may cause structural damage in Bengal, especially (5)

23 Bully into being a heavy

cavalryman (7)

24 Progress on the principal

route? (4,7)


2 Not left at ninety degrees (5) 3 Retributio­n seems in disarray


4 Once a form of travel pleasant

to behold, we hear (6) 5 Ordinary course of behaviour

assumed by the monk (5) 6 Parts of the curriculum read in

church (7)

7 Accusation of bodysnatch­ing? (5,6)

8 On which the laundry depends


14 The insignia that comes from

Algeria (7)

16 Rider with a hollow-eyed look


17 It’s harboured by an envious

type (6)

19 A piece of this material is left


21 An instrument played in

“Twelfth Night” (5)


Across: 1 Imprints; 5 Tape; 9 Yawl; 10 Maryland; 11 Music; 12 Crammer;

13 Gets the needle; 18 Spanners; 19 Rock; 20 Inferno; 21 Mitre; 22 Gill; 23 Asserted.

Down: 2 Measure; 3 Rallies; 4 Thatched roofs; 6 Alarmed; 7 Endorse; 8 Gyrate;

13 Gas-ring; 14 Tearful; 15 Tuners; 16 Earlier; 17 Lucerne.

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