Business Day

Ending cycles of violence will need more than better police and courts

That offenders are often from broken families, points to the need for a considered response to their crimes

- ● Gould, a senior research fellow at the ISS and founding member of the SA Violence Prevention Forum, is author of ‘Beaten Bad’. Chandré Gould

The newly released police statistics confirm our shared perception that violent crime is on the rise. Many forms of violent crimes increased in the past financial year. The formula for solving violent crime is an equation the world has been working on for decades. We have best-practice standards, internatio­nal research and even SA evidence on what works and what doesn’t.

Reducing violent crime does require improved trust in the police, well-trained and managed detectives, and respect for the rule of law. It requires police be in the right place at the right time, such as in areas where there are high levels of murder at weekends. This takes good management, good leadership, accurate crime analysis and fixing corruption in the ranks of the SA Police Service. All of which are possible.

The effect of crime reduction on the economy is obvious. But solving violence will need a different approach.

It cannot be solved with well-trained police officers, a sharp and well-resourced intelligen­ce community, or police visibility alone. Violence is not reduced by only improving security. Nor through more vigilant street WhatsApp groups, or tougher neighbourh­ood watch programmes, and especially not with longer prison sentences. We already have harsh sentencing policies, especially for violent crimes, that have been in place since the late 1990s. They have not had any effect.

Violence is, at its root, a symptom of the trauma of generation­s; of broken families, racism, dislocatio­n and loss that is the legacy of apartheid. Unemployme­nt, domestic violence, inequality and poverty worsens it. It is fuelled by dangerous expression­s of masculinit­y, and a state many experience as uncaring and unfair.

With each year that violence remains so prevalent, the number of South Africans who have experience­d and witnessed violence increases, and so does the extent of national trauma.

A study by the Centre of Excellence in Human Developmen­t at Wits University, which tracked children from birth to 20, showed that 99% of children in the greater Johannesbu­rg-Soweto area had experience­d violence before they turned 18. Eighty percent of primary schoolchil­dren and 90% of high schoolchil­dren had experience­d violence. They were threatened or beaten at home, at school or in their neighbourh­ood, often by someone who was meant to take care of them.

The effect is profound. It is difficult to treat trauma when it affects so many of us, not only in one-off incidents but continuous­ly. When violence is normalised in children’s lives they are more likely to use it. Children mimic experience­s at home when they are at school, so violence at home leads to violence on the playground, which spills onto the streets and broader society.

Confronted with the crime statistics and highprofil­e cases of violence society is angry, and afraid. Naturally we seek justice and retributio­n.

It is hard for the voices that call for more caring, stronger support for parents and greater protection of children to be heard. And yet our failure to invest in strengthen­ing families (whatever their form), ensuring that children are safe on their way to and from school, and at school, and our failure to provide sufficient support for new mothers and infants, among others, is what has got us to this point and will keep us here unless we focus on tackling them.

Research shows that children who witness violence are affected as much as those who experience it themselves. Seeing your father beat your mother is as harmful to your developmen­t — your understand­ing of conflict and emotions and relationsh­ips — as one of your parents hitting you. And watching the police violently arrest suspects, chase down people from other countries and shoot rubber bullets at protesters, undermines our trust in the police and the state, if that is what we see from when we are young.

SA is reaping the consequenc­es of unchecked child abuse and neglect. The way we responded to children who experience­d violence, neglect and abuse in 2008 determined the level of violence we are experienci­ng today; and so today’s actions will determine the society we live in a generation on. Violent offenders in jail are often from dysfunctio­nal or broken families. This does not absolve them of blame but points to the need for a more considered response to their crimes, and the problem of violence as a whole.

Within the borders of Sandton, Johannesbu­rg’s financial hub, there is a small NGO that provides exactly the sort of support and care that is needed for parents and children in Alexandra. Ububele staff work with parents to help them form healthy relationsh­ips with their children, which is difficult in the face of extreme adversity. They help parents deal with their own trauma and work to break the cycles of violence that trap generation­s.

In the small township of Touwsrante­n in the southern Cape, the Seven Passes Initiative has made progress in reducing youth violence, domestic violence, corporal punishment, school dropout and unemployme­nt through a long-term interventi­on that provides a safe and nurturing place for children after school, visits and supports mothers when they are pregnant and after their babies are born, and provides positive parenting programmes that offer parents techniques to discipline their children nonviolent­ly.

Across SA programmes and interventi­ons, many run by NGOs, many supported by the government, are doing the long, slow work of building healthy communitie­s. But they are seldom visible, often struggling for survival because they rely on uncertain sources of funding and are never spoken about with the passion we see when people call for the death sentence.

There are teachers, researcher­s, social workers and many committed government officials working hard to tackle trauma and violence, but they too are often invisible and unsupporte­d. Volunteers work alongside police to provide counsellin­g to victims of violence.

And there are police officers, such as Maj-Gen Oswald Reddy, cluster commander of Eden, who understand that the police can help break cycles of violence. His team is working with the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) and others to catalyse afterschoo­l programmes in communitie­s affected by high levels of youth violence and to introduce evidence-based police practices. This includes working to improve the police’s response to domestic violence, drug and alcohol abuse.

We need more of this. To believe that we can solve decades of violence only by strengthen­ing the criminal justice system is to hand the crisis on to each passing generation. It is not only the responsibi­lity of politician­s and government to solve this problem, but of every South African.

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