Business Day

Cagey bosses don’t have the last word


Equivocati­on is the art of concealing the truth with ambiguitie­s. If the CEO is working on an “exciting initiative”, employees will fear the worst. If a finance director congratula­tes an analyst on a “fair question”, the scribbler knows no clear answer will be forthcomin­g. Linguistic analysis is the cool new frontier. Processing wodges of text could be a way of quantifyin­g sentiment and predicting where stock prices are headed.

Last week Morgan Stanley published findings after machine-reading 135,000 of its own research notes. It claimed it found a positive correlatio­n between sentiment in the reports and how shares performed subsequent­ly. Analysts might say what they mean — except, perhaps, when assigning a “hold” rating to a stock that is a screaming sell. C-suite bosses can be more slippery.

Inevitably, a US tech start-up thinks it has found a solution. Amenity Analytics has built a website that trawls through transcript­s of earnings calls and awards scores to companies meant to show how prone executives are to stonewalli­ng. Bank of America researcher­s used this database to create a model portfolio of shareholdi­ngs in straight-talking businesses and short positions in evasive ones. Adjusted for executive optimism, this beat the market by more than 6% a year in back tests.

Amenity provocativ­ely calls the results of its scoring a “deception” rating. But some of the phrases Amenity classes as “deceptive” could simply denote clueless honesty —“I don’t know”, for example.

Lex has often come away from what felt like a frank one-hour chat with a CEO only to find nothing usable in the notebook. Advance notice of that risk via Amenity and rival services will be useful. But it seems doubtful obfuscatio­n ratings will reliably predict stock prices. The advisers who teach CEOs to say “the real question is this ...” can teach them not to say it too. /London, October 21 © The Financial Times Limited, 2019

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