Business Day

Once-free Tanzania reels as Magufuli tramples human rights

- Agency Staff Nairobi /AFP

President John Magufuli has presided over a crackdown on media and civil society in Tanzania that has seriously undermined democratic freedoms as the country approaches elections, global rights groups charged on Monday.

Rights bodies Amnesty Internatio­nal and Human Rights Watch said Tanzania is backslidin­g under Magufuli, whose administra­tion has been accused of jailing journalist­s, kidnapping activists and assaulting political opponents.

Magufuli’s rule, which enters its fifth year in November, has been marked by an attack on free speech previously unseen in Tanzania, critics say, unravellin­g progress made by a country once rosily viewed in the region.

“Tanzania’s really going down, very fast,” Roland Ebole, a researcher with Amnesty Internatio­nal, said in Nairobi.

“We have not seen this level of harassment, intimidati­on, or shutdown of media houses. It’s new for Tanzania.”

Magufuli came to power as a corruption-fighting “man of the people” but has since been criticised for his authoritar­ian leadership style.

In two separate reports released on Monday, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty detailed how Magufuli’s administra­tion enforced his diktats using draconian laws.

Newspapers have been shut down, live broadcasts of parliament switched off and critics have been jailed using cybercrime laws.

In a recent case journalist Erick Kabendera was held for questionin­g over his citizenshi­p, then threatened with sedition, before being charged with organised crime and various financial offences.

He has been in and out of court since his arrest in July and is suffering poor health.

Azory Gwanda, a Tanzanian journalist and government critic who disappeare­d in 2017, has never been found.

In May, high-profile dissident Mdude Nyagali was snatched by four gunmen and dumped, seriously beaten, in a village two days later.

Human Rights Watch and Amnesty which unveiled their reports in Nairobi because permission was not possible in Tanzania said civil society workers, opposition activists and others were too scared to speak openly to their researcher­s.

“This is very significan­t, considerin­g you’re talking about a country that really was free. A country where people would say everything, and anything, they wanted to say,” Ebole said.

It comes as Tanzania faces local elections later in 2019 and national polls in 2020. Magufuli, nicknamed “The Bulldozer”, is expected to run again.

The effective silencing of media and critics “does not create a good environmen­t for free and fair elections”, Human Rights Watch researcher Oryem Nyeko told reporters.

The internatio­nal community has taken notice. The US and UK have both voiced concern over the “steady erosion of due process” in Tanzania, pointing to Kabendera’s treatment as a case in point.

Reporters Without Borders, a watchdog, this year labelled Magufuli a “press freedom predator” and dropped Tanzania 25 places on its annual press freedom index.

 ?? Reuters ?? Going the strongman route: Tanzania’s President John Magufuli at a news conference during an official visit to Nairobi, Kenya in 2016.
Reuters Going the strongman route: Tanzania’s President John Magufuli at a news conference during an official visit to Nairobi, Kenya in 2016. /

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