Business Day

Chance to realign politics


If South Africans wish to live in a constituti­onal democracy and be led by a competent and ethical government capable of growing a peaceful and prosperous society, then they should encourage and welcome party political dynamism.

Stagnation within political parties, whether from internal divisions, loss of a sense of purpose or conflicts of personalit­ies and ideologies, creates an environmen­t of political “changeless­ness” and one in which opportunit­ies are wasted and problems remain unsolved.

This is the environmen­t in which South Africans find themselves now. In a sense, therefore, the implosions in the DA could be positive for the country. The ANC-led government has no hope of rescuing SA from its socioecono­mic decline because its leaders wish, or are being forced, to put the well-being of the party ahead of the interests of citizens. The DA, despite its honourable attempts, has never had a hope of dislodging the ANC and forming an alternativ­e government. It would be in the best interests of the country for the DA and the ANC, and perhaps some of the smaller parties, to disintegra­te and allow those that really belong together to come together and form a new movement that ordinary people across colour lines can relate to, trust and put into government.

Hopefully, while Mmusi Maimane, Athol Trollip and others may be lost to the DA, they will not be lost to our country’s political establishm­ent. They, together with like-minded South Africans from across the political spectrum, can initiate, inspire and grow that new movement to the benefit of all our people. It has happened before.

David Gant Kenilworth

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