Business Day

What exactly does a financial adviser do?


QWhat can a financial adviser actually do for me? Anon via e-mail —

ADavid Kop, executive director: relevance at the Financial Planning Institute, says:

A financial adviser’s role is to assist you determine your goals and draft a road map. A financial adviser can assist in:

Financial management.

This includes setting up a budget and managing your debt. If you are overindebt­ed you may be referred to a debt counsellor.

Insurance. Some are licensed to advise you on both personal cover and insurance for your assets. However, often you will be referred to a broker who specialise­s in insurance for your home and car.

Health care. Your adviser may analyse what you need to

fund your health-care expenses and provide a solution or may refer you to a specialist adviser.

Pension and retirement.

Your financial adviser must determine what you need to do to retire with the income you will need in retirement, and recommend retirement products like a retirement annuity or nonretirem­ent investment­s like unit trusts and offshore investment­s.

Investment­s and investment risk. Your adviser will help you determine your investment objectives and how much risk you can afford to take and recommend a suitable investment portfolio.

Tax. Your adviser will guide you on how to legally structure your affairs to take advantage of tax deductions or to invest in tax-favourable investment­s. In most instances your adviser will work with a tax practition­er to file your tax returns.

Estate distributi­on. Estate planning ensures that when you die, your family will still have an income, your estate is finalised with the least hassle and the least estate duty is payable.

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