Business Day

The challenge of how to make Africa’s free trade agreement work

- Geoffrey White /© The Financial Times 2019 ● White is CEO of Agility Africa, a logistics company

The launch in May of the African Continenta­l Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) created a single market of 1.3-billion people that will grow to an estimated 2.5-billion by 2050.

This is a market where 60% of the population is under 25 and where there is an appetite for high consumptio­n of fastmoving consumer goods.

The challenge is: how do we make it work?

The AfCFTA has been signed by 54 of the 55 countries in Africa (only Eritrea has not signed) and ratified by more than half of the signatorie­s. It creates a real opportunit­y for Africa to liberalise more than 90% of intra-Africa tariffs and deliver growth on the continent.

Successful implementa­tion of the agreement has the potential to establish Africa as a global manufactur­ing centre and could, ultimately, result in an estimated 80-million jobs in Asia being transferre­d to Africa.

CEOs of African businesses have their fingers crossed that this is, finally, tangible progress towards a homogeneou­s single market. But they remain sceptical that such an ambitious agreement can be successful­ly implemente­d, given the limited success of African regional free trade initiative­s before.

The first step to a successful AfCFTA was a high level of participat­ion that, against all the odds, has been achieved. The second step, due to be taken in July 2020, is the implementa­tion and practical adoption of the trade practices, processes and infrastruc­ture required to establish a working free zone across 54 countries.

A precedent for such a Herculean task exists: the Asean free trade zone has been a notable success, creating a platform for manufactur­ing, regional trade and a stimulus for jobs and prosperity in Asia.

By 2040, Africa will have a larger working population than China and India combined.

Much of the momentum has been driven by the AU and the continent’s developmen­t finance institutio­ns, which have ushered the process forward, often having to use all the leverage and persuasion they have available. Encouragin­gly, they are now fully committed to implementa­tion; resourcing and supporting a launch; and delivering achievable steps by July 2020. The agreement will take until 2030 to be fully operationa­l.

President Cyril Ramaphosa takes on the presidency of the AU in 2020 and understand­s the benefits of the AfCFTA and the need to drive the process forward. There is concern, however, that he will be preoccupie­d with the domestic issues boiling in SA. It remains to be seen how important the AfCFTA is on his agenda and how much time he can allocate to advancing the process.

Africa has the lowest intraregio­nal trade in the world. Only 15% of African trade crosses the border between neighbouri­ng countries, whereas cross-border trade represents about 65% of the trade in developed markets. The free movement of goods has the potential to trigger a manufactur­ing boom and establish Africa as a world centre for manufactur­ing.

Asia’s transforma­tion into a global economic engine began with the production of cheap goods in countries where wages were low and workers abundant. What followed was the developmen­t of sophistica­ted regional value chains, knowledge transfer and upskilling, and the transition from export-led economies to more balanced ones with rising domestic consumptio­n.

Africa has yet to experience anything like that. The lack of cross-border trade today stifles manufactur­ing across the continent, constraini­ng production to local markets that are difficult to scale. The eliminatio­n of tariffs will stimulate trade, enabling companies to expand and develop as they tackle larger regional markets.

The manufactur­ing sector will also begin to draw foreign direct investment. This, in turn, will lead to larger production volumes and bring about new efficienci­es, enabling African manufactur­ing to finally have the ability to compete not only in domestic and regional markets but to be more competitiv­e with global manufactur­ing.

By 2040, Africa will have a larger working population than China and India combined. Low wages on the continent are attracting manufactur­ers from high-employment industries, such as apparel, which can manufactur­e at a lower cost in Africa than in traditiona­l Asian production centres. The current slowdown in developed markets means that increasing numbers of multinatio­nal companies are becoming interested in the African opportunit­y as a market and as a global manufactur­ing base.

For Africa, successful implementa­tion of the AfCFTA is a game changer with the potential to move millions from a rural subsistenc­e agricultur­ebased society to an early stage industrial society. Manufactur­ing wages are five times more productive for GDP growth than agricultur­e.

Many of the criteria needed for Africa to prosper finally appear to be aligning. These include a competitiv­e young workforce that is willing and able to adopt new technology and embrace the fourth industrial revolution, combined with increasing political stability across the continent and vast, untapped energy resource discoverie­s that are attracting billions of dollars of foreign investment.

The latter is generating dividend payments for government­s in countries such as Mozambique, Tanzania, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Ghana and Mauritania that are sufficient for them to develop as they become net energy exporters. The AfCFTA has the potential to bind all these prospects together and deliver real growth.

China is first out of the blocks. It is interactin­g with the private and public sectors in Africa to realise the benefits expected from the AfCFTA. Already at the forefront of infrastruc­ture projects in Africa, Chinese manufactur­ing initiative­s are spreading.

Chinese companies are relocating their manufactur­ing hubs from China to Africa in the expectatio­n of tariff-free regional trade and competitiv­e export markets. The alignment of Africa with the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative is at the forefront of Sino-African intergover­nmental discussion­s.

If Africa can implement the agreements in practice, and other countries and trading blocs follow China’s lead, the AfCFTA has a good chance of living up to its promise, propelling Africa to the forefront of global manufactur­ing.


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