Business Day

Haidar urges steps to prevent war

Aminatou Haidar to receive top human rights award in Stockholm for advocating peaceful resistance

- Agency Staff Geneva /AFP

Aminatou Haidar, a champion of peaceful resistance to Morocco’s near 45-year-old annexation of Western Sahara, is demanding urgent internatio­nal action to prevent the frozen conflict from devolving into war.

Aminatou Haidar, a champion of peaceful resistance to Morocco’s near 45-year-old annexation of Western Sahara, is demanding urgent internatio­nal action to prevent the frozen conflict from devolving into war.

The Sahrawi human rights activist, who on Wednesday will receive a top human rights award in Stockholm, said she feared that youth in the disputed region have given up hope of achieving self-rule through nonviolent means.

“The internatio­nal community must act without wasting any more time, because the young people have no more patience. They no longer believe in peaceful resistance,” Haidar said in Geneva last week.

The activist, dubbed the “Gandhi of Western Sahara”, insisted that the UN, Europe, and France and Spain in particular have a responsibi­lity to “avoid war” in the region.

Morocco annexed the Western Sahara in 1975 following the withdrawal of colonial power Spain in the dying days of rightwing dictator Francisco Franco’s regime, sparking a war with the Algeria-backed Polisario Front movement.

The two sides agreed to a cease-fire in 1991, and a UN mission was deployed to monitor the truce and prepare a referendum on Western Sahara’s independen­ce from Morocco, but it never materialis­ed.

The UN peacekeepi­ng force (Minurso) of 240 “Blue Helmets” as its soldiers are called, is charged with monitoring the nearly three-decade-old truce.

After a long break, the UNled dialogue between Morocco, the Polisario Front, Algeria and Mauritania resumed in Switzerlan­d in December 2018, followed by a second round in March 2019, without achieving a breakthrou­gh.

The Polisario Front is demanding a referendum on independen­ce for Western Sahara, which Morocco has rejected. The government in Rabat considers Western Sahara integral to the kingdom and has said it will not accept anything beyond autonomy for the resource-rich territory.

Haidar lamented that in the nearly three decades since the Polisario Front had laid down its arms, Morocco and the internatio­nal community have largely ignored the people’s nonviolent demands for justice, dignity and self-rule.

She warned that the last round of unfruitful talks has left Sahrawi youth especially disillusio­ned.

“They are angry, and they are frustrated ... They say that the internatio­nal community only acts in conflicts where there is blood and violence,” she said.

She described how she and other advocates of nonviolent resistance have become the targets of insults. More worrying, Haidar said, “they are pressuring the Polisario Front to pick up their arms again”.

The activist criticised the internatio­nal community for lacking the political will to enforce various UN resolution­s and internatio­nal court rulings that the Sahrawi people should have a say on the independen­ce question.

“This is due to the complicity of some internatio­nal powers,” Haidar said.

“Spain is responsibl­e, and France is responsibl­e,” she said, also criticisin­g the EU for blindly supporting Morocco, in part out of its desire to retain access to resources in the territory.

“Without European support, Morocco could not pillage and exploit the natural resources, and it could not continue its occupation and to ignore all of the Security Council resolution­s,” Haidar said.

The activist says she is deeply honoured by being likened to Gandhi, and reaffirmed her commitment to nonviolenc­e.

She has stuck by nonviolenc­e since she was a teenager, despite facing beatings, alleged torture and detention without charge or trial. She says she was thrown into a secret prison when she was just 20 years old, In the end, she spent four years there in total isolation.

After her release in 1991 at the time of the truce she continued her activism, despite constant police surveillan­ce.

In 2005, she was severely beaten and injured by police during a demonstrat­ion before being sent back to prison. There she carried out two hunger strikes in protest against maltreatme­nt of prisoners and arbitrary detention.

Thanks to US pressure, she was able to travel to Spain after her 2006 release, and she set out on an advocacy tour through Europe, the US and SA. In that time, several prestigiou­s rights prizes were awarded to her.

But the mother of two was denied entry when she wanted to return in 2009, and Morocco confiscate­d her passport and deported her to the Spanish Canary Islands.

In response, she launched a month-long hunger strike that grabbed headlines, before she was eventually allowed to return to Western Sahara.

Haidar stressed that her “case is not unique”, but similar to various other persecutio­ns.

“This is the case of all Sahrawi people today ... We face ferocious repression on a daily basis,” she said.

“This is a question of decolonisa­tion,” she said. “I will never give up my people’s fight.”

On Wednesday, Haidar will receive the Right Livelihood Award, sometimes referred to as the Nobel Prize for human rights, which also counts three other laureates in 2019, including Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg.



 ?? /Reuters ?? Still going strong: Western Sahara independen­ce campaigner Aminatou Haidar gestures after giving a lecture at the University of Lisbon in 2010.
/Reuters Still going strong: Western Sahara independen­ce campaigner Aminatou Haidar gestures after giving a lecture at the University of Lisbon in 2010.

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