Business Day

Moroe apologises ahead of Saturday meeting


Embattled Cricket SA CEO Thabang Moroe has apologised for the chaotic events that have tarnished the organisati­on’s name in the past few days, writes Khanyiso Tshwaku.

The organisati­on revoked the accreditat­ion of five journalist­s on Sunday‚ a turn of events that played a part in the immediate resignatio­n of independen­t board member Shirley Zinn.

Such was the gravity of Cricket SA’s media faux pas that the organisati­on was summoned to a meeting by sponsor Standard Bank to give clarity about events on Sunday regarding the journalist­s.

The organisati­on is fighting fires on many fronts‚ including a lack of clarity about the appointmen­t of a director of cricket and the ongoing legal battle with the SA Cricketers’ Associatio­n concerning the restructur­ing of the domestic game.

Moroe said he recognises the severity of the error that led to journalist­s being banned from Newlands and Wanderers. The organisati­on will always support transparen­t reporting, he said.

“I unreserved­ly apologise on behalf of Cricket SA for the erroneous process that led to journalist­s having their accreditat­ion revoked.


“I am proud to live in a free and fair SA where each and every one of us has the ability to compliment and criticise any organisati­on‚ including my own, for my and/or my team’s efforts‚” Moroe said.

“Too many people have made the ultimate sacrifice for the privilege of free speech and I’d like to apologise to Sanef [the SA National Editors’ Forum] and all of your members for any harm that was caused during our accreditat­ion error in judgment.

“We encourage transparen­t reporting of the highs and lows of Cricket SA and every SA institutio­n — public or private.”

A board meeting is to be held on Saturday at which Moroe said the organisati­on aims to provide more clarity on its decisions.

“This will be immediatel­y followed by a media conference to communicat­e the outcome and next steps‚ including but not limited to the director of cricket role‚ team selection processes for the England tour‚ and all other Cricket SA issues relevant to the SA public‚” Moroe said.

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