Business Day

Afghan reconstruc­tion has cost 2,214 lives and $130bn

- Eltaf Najafizada Kabul

US-led reconstruc­tion efforts in Afghanista­n since 2002 are linked to the deaths or injuries of more than 5,100 people in addition to more than $130bn in financial costs, according to a new report on America’s longest war.

About 2,214 people were killed and another 2,921 wounded while taking part in reconstruc­tion and stabilisat­ion missions across the warravaged nation from 20022018, according to a report published late on Monday by the Special Inspector-General for Afghanista­n Reconstruc­tion, a Pentagon watchdog.

The deaths include 284 Americans — 216 US soldiers and 68 American civilians, such as government employees or contractor­s. Over the same period, 1,578 Afghans were killed, the vast majority of which were civilians. About 1,182 people, most of them Afghans, were kidnapped or missing, the report said.

The study analysed data received from the US military and other agencies involved in reconstruc­tion work.

The report’s statistics detail the grim state of affairs in Afghanista­n almost 19 years after the US invaded to overthrow the Taliban for refusing to give up al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.

Previous reports by the watchdog showed how enemy-initiated attacks in the country reached their highest level in the fourth quarter of 2019 since data began being collected. Opium production has soared.

To get the US out of what he calls “endless wars”, US President Donald Trump has pressed to reach a peace deal with the Taliban that would allow the US to begin withdrawin­g troops from a conflict that has cost it about $900bn.

Despite the loss of life and the exorbitant financial costs of rebuilding the country, Afghanista­n remains one of the poorest and most dangerous nations in the world. The US-led reconstruc­tion effort has been undermined by Taliban militants appearing to be more powerful than any time since they were ousted from power in 2001, controllin­g or contesting about half the country.

For local Afghans, road constructi­on was the most dangerous activity as it left them exposed to suicide bombing, direct enemy attacks or roadside explosions.

Training and mentoring Afghan forces was the most dangerous project for the US and its Nato allies, resulting in 818 casualties — 346 killed and 472 wounded, said the report. That number includes 195 slain Americans, 154 troops and 41 civilians. Insider attacks, carried out either by Taliban infiltrato­rs or Afghans in army uniforms were behind 276 of the total deaths or injuries.

On Saturday, an Afghan in military uniform killed two US soldiers and one Afghan soldier with a machine gun while visiting an army base in eastern Nangarhar province.

A suicide attack near a military academy in Kabul killed four Afghan soldiers and two civilians on Tuesday, shattering a period of relative calm in the capital, a spokespers­on for Afghanista­n’s interior ministry, Nasrat Rahimi, said.


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