Business Day

Trump’s is art of bullying


While on holiday in SA I read your fine newspaper daily. With the greatest respect, Marius Botha is utterly wrong in his analysis of US President Donald Trump (“Anti-Trump-tinted glasses , February 5).

First, on the business and personal fronts there is a huge catalogue of failures. The cases of casino bankruptci­es, the Manhattan Plaza Hotel closure, the Trump Shuttle airline bankruptcy, the closure of Trump University after fee gouging and nonprogram­mes emerged, and the Trump foundation closure after money was spent buying a painting of Trump.

“Trump: The Art of the Deal” was the work of a ghost writer who bitterly regretted getting involved. Trump’s so-called golfing prowess is marred by cheating, as revealed by his golfing coach. There has also been loutish, bullying behaviour towards women, war veterans, Asians, Afro-Americans and anyone else who dared argue with him. Trump insulted the war hero John McCain even as the latter was on his deathbed. This from a man who, through college education deferments and a supposed bone spur heel injury, avoided serving in the Vietnam war.

Trump has reneged on his promise to release his tax records, and there is a case in the courts on this subject. Then there is the tsunami of Twitter expectorat­ions and lies. The Washington Post and New York Times have catalogued more than 10,000 lies, distortion­s and exaggerati­ons.

Much more serious are the negative domestic and foreign policies. There are elements in the US, including politician­s, officers in the military and titanic corporatio­ns, that are forming the links required for a neo-fascist state.

I refer Botha to the book “It Can’t Happen Here” by Sinclair Lewis, the first American novelist to win the Nobel prize for literature. Anthony Radbill

Bornem, Belgium

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