Business Day

Investors can curb the tendency towards making poor decisions

• The first step in tackling the risk of losses is to acknowledg­e the effect of overconfid­ence

- James Bashall Estrada ● Bashall is with Anchor Capital.

Despite numerous behavioura­l finance findings on irrational investor behaviour and its dramatic negative consequenc­es on returns, investors are disincline­d to believe they are at risk of making irrational decisions. In their minds, past success in their personal investment­s proves they are immune to this particular risk. They believe their investment­s will eventually turn positive.

Call me a pessimist, but the JSE’s unsustaina­ble 30-year bull run, coupled with increased complexiti­es due to globalisat­ion and technologi­cal disruption, means the confidence that investors feel based on past success may be misplaced.

Behavioura­l psychology’s popularity has risen in the past decade, mainly because of outstandin­g consumer publicatio­ns by pioneering academics. They found people were systematic­ally irrational because of fundamenta­l behavioura­l biases, with mistakes being consistent­ly repeated and, in Dan Ariely’s words, “predictabl­e”.

When findings in behavioura­l psychology are applied to economics and the world of financial markets and financial decision-making, the implicatio­ns of irrational decision-making become more real.

Despite the conclusive nature of behavioura­l finance findings on how irrational investor behaviour damages returns, few investors have controls in place to mitigate those risks. To be fair, it is difficult to safeguard against flaws that are complex to quantify and observe, but this is not necessaril­y the reason for investors’ inaction. The likely reason is our inherent optimism and overconfid­ence biases: we believe these academic findings simply don’t apply to us individual­ly. This overconfid­ence means we overestima­te our personal abilities despite evidence to the contrary.

The first step to address the risk of losses is to acknowledg­e the impact of overconfid­ence in making us ignore our susceptibi­lity to detrimenta­l behavioura­l biases. The next step is to take stock of the potential personal damage of those biases.

Providing examples of the consequenc­es of our behavioura­l biases in a local context may increase the relevance to South Africans of otherwise largely foreign academic findings. Though the examples below are not necessaril­y applicable to all local investors, they do bring home what is often seen as a foreign problem.

The JSE was the world’s best-performing market from 1900 to end-2016. Even during the global financial crisis JSE investors were rewarded with a compound annual return of 18% over 10 years. Our long-term memory is dominated by an incredible period of being a JSE investor. But the past three years were more difficult. The JSE has returned less than 2.5% compound annual growth, of which a large portion is attributab­le to a handful of shares.

While it is not unusual for markets to go through periods of underperfo­rmance, SA is facing significan­t challenges given the macroecono­mic and political headwinds, and there is no immediate indication of a turnaround. So, a belief that broad-based local growth will return to the historical mean of global overperfor­mance is a long shot. While it will be possible to generate local investment returns, it is going to become increasing­ly difficult to achieve world-beating returns entirely from the JSE.

A logical move is internatio­nal diversific­ation. Yet our behavioura­l biases might persuade us otherwise. Based on our historical understand­ing of the JSE, we might remain disproport­ionately invested locally, expecting a return to global outperform­ance. Four biases are primarily responsibl­e:

● The anchoring bias: investors’ tendency to hold on to a belief (the JSE’s consistent outperform­ance) and apply it as a reference point for future decisions.

● The self-attributio­n bias: investors’ tendency to attribute successful outcomes to their own actions. This leads them to expect that, irrespecti­ve of the depressed outlook, as individual investors they can still find returns locally.

● The gambler’s fallacy: when investors see patterns where none exist. In this case the pattern is that the JSE always goes up, leading to the expectatio­n that it will revert to that mean in the future.

● The home bias: preference for investment­s we are familiar with, largely because they are local. This prevents us from investing adequately offshore.

Merely recognisin­g these biases may be enough to make us adequately pursue an internatio­nal diversific­ation strategy. Yet, even in that case one further behavioura­l observatio­n potentiall­y stands in the way of executing this strategy effectivel­y: the dispositio­n effect. This is our tendency, in the event of a liquidity constraint, to sell profitmaki­ng investment­s ahead of loss-making investment­s. For South Africans this bias may nudge investors to sell their profitable positions ahead of loss-making ones when creating liquidity to diversify offshore. It is an incredibly costly bias since, historical­ly, profitmaki­ng investment­s have continued to outperform, and loss-making investment­s have continued to underperfo­rm.

Understand­ing our biases and the potential cost to investment returns is the foundation for protecting ourselves from their negative consequenc­es.

Deliberate controls need to be put in place. The first, and easiest, mitigation control is to consult a trusted independen­t third party (a friend, investment club or profession­al investment adviser) about our investment decisions. Most decisions influenced by our behavioura­l biases are objectivel­y irrational, so independen­t advisers can identify poor decision-making.

We are all susceptibl­e to behavioura­l biases, despite what our inherent overconfid­ence tells us, and in SA we are particular­ly exposed to the resulting downside risks. Our plea is that investors be deliberate in managing their susceptibi­lities and run investment decisions past qualified independen­t advisers. In the long run, it may make all the difference to their returns.



 ?? /123RF/Anton ?? Cross reference:
Independen­t advisers can identify poor decisions and question the reasons behind them, but in the end the choice is up to the investors.
/123RF/Anton Cross reference: Independen­t advisers can identify poor decisions and question the reasons behind them, but in the end the choice is up to the investors.

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