Business Day

Three tuskers in ANC policy pawn shop

- ● Butler teaches public policy at the University of Cape Town.

RBook of Revelation Moody eaders ’of s postbudget the have long prophesied that credit ratings agency day of judgment will be preceded by the arrival of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, representi­ng war, famine, pestilence and death.

President Cyril Ramaphosa has tried to defy such gloomy prophesies with the three great elephants of the liberation movement: mineral resources & energy minister Gwede Mantashe, public enterprise­s minister Pravin Gordhan and finance minister Tito Mboweni.

The elephant represents strength and patience, and wisdom, loyalty, reliabilit­y and determinat­ion characteri­se the creature’s behaviour in the wild. The giant African political elephant, known to science as Loxodonta Mantashe Africana, presents a magnificen­t spectacle. The largest mammal in the world, with a torso span of more than 4m, it drinks upwards of 100l of water per day, and communicat­es by means of low-frequency rumbles that can be heard a dozen kilometres away.

Mantashe’s critics forget that once roused to anger he can storm unstoppabl­y across the plains of Boksburg or through the meetings of the national executive committee. In recent months he has generated confusion, even despair, among energy sector analysts, but the direction of his march towards independen­t power production, municipal electricit­y generation and a renewable energy transition has now become set.

Gordhan is widely revered as a repository of the deepest secrets and a divine representa­tion of intellect and wisdom. The elephant is typically a gentle giant and very slow to anger, but the relentless provocatio­n of Ganesha Gordhan by the EFF leadership will not be forgotten. When yapping and snarling EFF members cornered him in parliament in July, Gordhan stood unmoved and entirely fearless, simply demanding that “they must touch me”.

In his budget speech Mboweni revealed himself as the third member of the government’s herd. Disdainful­ly ignoring calls for prescribed assets and tapping public sector pension funds, he pushed back against nationalis­ing the central bank and punted exchange control liberalisa­tion. Then, flapping his great ears, he charged fearlessly in the general direction of the public sector unions.

We must not get ahead of ourselves. Elephants do not always move very fast. Gordhan, Mantashe and Mboweni may be pragmatist­s, but they view the world through dramatical­ly different intellectu­al lenses. As a result of their enormous bulk, the three can cause great damage to one another if they fight.

Meanwhile, the financial and operationa­l crises in the parastatal­s have not been resolved. The Treasury no longer claims that national debt is on course to stabilise over the medium term. The likely rate of growth in the immediate years ahead remains dismal. The scope for damaging unintended consequenc­es from public sector disruption should not be underestim­ated.

Still, the boldness of the trio offers some reason for hope. Ramaphosa’s government has appeared to be paralysed by powerful commercial and political interests and to be enmeshed in debilitati­ng internal compromise­s that make reform impossible.

All three ministers, in their unique ways, have dragged themselves out of the swamp that is ANC economic policy and asserted positions at odds with the movement’s prevailing and untenable convention­al wisdom. Government action freed from party shackles has been shown to be possible — at least in principle.

Have the three elephants done enough to push back an expected Moody’s downgrade decision in March? It is hard to say. Moody’s shares a reticence with the authors of the Book of

Revelation about specifying the precise conditions that will precipitat­e the apocalypse, and a remarkable talent for mystificat­ion. But Mboweni has probably won the government a little more time.


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