Business Day

State has stepped up but we all need to help fight Covid-19

- Shivani Ranchod ●

t was tempting for a moment to believe that a 21-day lockdown would save SA from being decimated by Covid-19. From a public health perspectiv­e it was undoubtedl­y the right decision. Taking decisive action just nine days after the first locally transmitte­d case was a heroic effort to flatten the curve.

However, not unexpected­ly, the lockdown brought into sharp focus the economic consequenc­es, trading one sort of human suffering for another. Our economy is a fragile house of cards, easily collapsed with plummeting global markets, currency weakness, spiking unemployme­nt and particular­ly vulnerable informal and immigrant subeconomi­es. But the choice between economic and public health disasters is a false dichotomy — financial, social and physical wellbeing are woven together in a way that can’t easily be traded off.

The illusion of being saved by the lockdown was shattered with the realisatio­n of the impossibil­ity of social distancing in poor communitie­s. Close living quarters, communal bathrooms, poor access to running water, a lack of freezer space, reliance on public transport combined with a low trust of the government and the police — a powerful cocktail of impediment­s to social control.

Does this mean the lockdown was a mistake? If it was intended to completely stamp out the spread of the coronaviru­s, then yes. But if its purpose was to slow the spread and buy us time to get our health system organised, then no.

As we roll out more testing capability, reorganise hospital wards and put in place measures for patients to not have to come into primary care clinics, we are readying ourselves for the worst-case scenario. Good leadership means going in with your eyes open. Foolish are the government­s that don’t understand exponentia­l curves. Yes, our health system is vulnerable. Compared to developed countries, we don’t have enough health workers, hospital beds or ventilator­s. But South Africans are nothing if not resourcefu­l. With our limited resources we’ve waged one helluva fight against HIV and TB, and I don’t see us backing down this time round.

The past week has brought one remarkable story after another. Our participat­ion in a global trial to find an effective treatment. Our rollout of drive-through testing facilities. The National Health Laboratory Service stepping up testing capacity and rolling out GeneXpert machines for

Irapid testing. A wide-ranging community of health-care providers and funders pushing back against the Health Profession­s Council of SA’s archaic stance on telemedici­ne. The launch of a world-leading WhatsApp hotline. The software developmen­t community coming together to work out a range of tech solutions.

Zero-rated data for online learning resources. The remarkable decongesti­on of public primary care clinics. Intense collaborat­ion between epidemiolo­gists. The rapid rollout of tax and social security benefits. The coming to the table of private money.

Is there more we can do? Undoubtedl­y! Pulling the brakes on an economy is a gargantuan task with a myriad unintended consequenc­es. So yes, there will be U-turns and it will feel at times like being in a game of whack-a-mole. There is no perfect way to do this, but we all have a role to play in getting behind the collective effort.


Much has been made of South Korea’s successes with Covid-19: their swift action, widespread testing and contact tracing. We’ve followed closely by also acting quickly and doing our best to deepen access to testing. There is one critical cultural aspect we do need to take note of, something everyone can take responsibi­lity for: a co-operative citizenry. We need to be doing our best to deepen social solidarity, holding on to our empathy and humanity, rememberin­g that we are all in this together.

There is no doubt that global society will be reshaped by the crisis. The way we think about the right to health care, how humbled we are by our interconne­ctedness, the mind-boggling degree of scientific collaborat­ion to hurtle us towards a vaccine and treatment. Many of the decisions we take now will be with us for a long time: how we reshape our educationa­l institutio­ns, the crumbling of resistance to digital technologi­es, the degree to which we permit human rights to be overridden in the name of state control. All of these decisions require clarity of thought, looking our collective fear in the eye and then choosing wisely.

Dr Ranchod is with the University of Cape Town’s actuarial sciences department, specialisi­ng in the health-care sector.

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