Business Day

Facebook staff take CEO to task over Trump’s ‘shooting’ posts

• Zuckerberg’s defence of his inaction is not appeasing ashamed employees

- /The Financial Times 2020

Mark Zuckerberg faces a backlash within Facebook after several senior employees publicly criticised the CEO for refusing to take action over posts by Donald Trump that Twitter last week censured for “glorifying violence”.

As protests and rioting over the death in police custody of George Floyd, an unarmed black man, spread through several US cities this weekend, Zuckerberg was forced to defend Facebook’s position as — in his words — “an institutio­n committed to free expression”.

On Friday, Trump posted on both Facebook and Twitter that he would respond to violent protests with military force, saying: “When the looting starts, the shooting starts.” But while Twitter slapped a warning on the post and hid it from view, Facebook left the message intact.

At the weekend, Facebook employees contrasted their firm’s stance unfavourab­ly with Twitter’s, which last week also labelled two of Trump’s other tweets as potentiall­y misleading.

Ryan Freitas, who leads Facebook’s news feed design team, tweeted: “Mark is wrong, and I will endeavour in the loudest possible way to change his mind.”

Jason Toff, who joined Facebook as a director of product management a year ago, pointed to a broader upsurge of employee activism inside the company. “I work at Facebook and I am not proud of how we’re showing up,” he tweeted. “The majority of co-workers I’ve spoken to feel the same way. We are making our voice heard.”

The protest inside the world’s largest social media platform forced Zuckerberg to post two messages within three days — one to explain his decision and another which offered a $10m donation to groups working on racial justice.

Tech staffers have proven a potent force for change in Silicon Valley in recent years, as companies including Google, Microsoft and Amazon have been targeted by their own employees over issues such as workplace conditions, climate change and military contracts.

Executives and companies across the tech industry, including Apple, Microsoft, Google, Amazon and Netflix, as well as Salesforce, Slack, Uber and Twitter, expressed their support for antiracism and criminal justice campaigns, through messages to employees, on their homepages or through official social media accounts.

“To be silent is to be complicit. Black lives matter,” said Netflix, while Amazon said: “The inequitabl­e and brutal treatment of black people in our country must stop.”

On Friday night, Zuckerberg wrote on his own Facebook profile that he had been “struggling with how to respond” to Trump’s posts.

“I know many people are upset that we’ve left the president’s posts up, but our position is that we should enable as much expression as possible unless it will cause imminent risk of specific harms or dangers spelt out in clear policies,” he said.

“I disagree strongly with how the president spoke about this, but I believe people should be able to see this for themselves, because ultimately accountabi­lity for those in positions of power can only happen when their speech is scrutinise­d out in the open.”

However, after the Axios news website reported that Zuckerberg had had a “productive” phone call with Trump on Friday, several employees took to Twitter at the weekend in protest at their CEO’s position.

Lauren Tan, who left Netflix to join Facebook as a software engineer earlier in 2020, tweeted: “Facebook’s inaction in taking down Trump’s post inciting violence makes me ashamed to work here.”

Andrew Crow, head of design for Facebook’s Portal videoconfe­rencing device, added: “Censoring informatio­n that might help people see the complete picture is wrong. But giving a platform to incite violence and spread disinforma­tion is unacceptab­le.”

Jason Stirman, who works on research and developmen­t at Facebook, said he “completely disagrees with Mark’s decision to do nothing about Trump’s recent posts”, adding: “I’m not alone inside of FB.”

On Sunday night, after the barrage of criticism, Zuckerberg made another Facebook post.

“We stand with the black community,” he wrote. “But it’s clear Facebook also has more work to do to keep people safe and ensure our systems don’t amplify bias.”

Facebook will donate $10m to groups working to tackle racial injustice, he said, while pointing to the tens of millions of dollars more that his personal philanthro­pic organisati­on, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, invests in similar causes. “This week has made it clear how much more there is to do.”

One of his critics, Crow, praised Facebook’s $10m donation, calling it an “important effort”.

 ?? /Reuters ?? Struggling: Facebook chair and CEO Mark Zuckerberg has donated $10m to fight racial injustice, but has himself said that the week’s events show it is not enough and much work remains to be done.
/Reuters Struggling: Facebook chair and CEO Mark Zuckerberg has donated $10m to fight racial injustice, but has himself said that the week’s events show it is not enough and much work remains to be done.

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