Business Day

Other diseases cannot be put on hold

• In the Business Beyond Covid series, the CEOs of some of the biggest SA corporatio­ns and sector experts look to the future after the pandemic lockdowns

- Thoneshan Naidoo ● Naidoo is Medshield CEO.

Soon after we welcomed the dawn of a new decade we were met with the dreadful announceme­nt of masses of people dying from the novel coronaviru­s. Since the first report of Covid-19 in December 2019 as a cluster outbreak in Wuhan, China, the world has seen the number of infections and deaths escalate by the day, spreading rapidly to countries and across continents.

In SA we are dealing with a unique situation that needs novel solutions. A heavy disease burden, coupled with deep structural societal issues, puts our nation in a most vulnerable position. How do we balance the treatment of Covid-19 against other diseases such as HIV/Aids, TB and cancer, and medical emergencie­s that arise from domestic violence and injuries?

It is no surprise that the issue of patient priorities becomes important. As a medical scheme, we see how less attention is being paid to the latter while the health sector focuses on the fight against Covid-19. Patient priorities are changing, and medical claims for conditions that were previously considered essential have dropped dramatical­ly.

Many scheme members suffer from chronic conditions that need to be carefully monitored, but the pandemic is forcing these patients to make difficult decisions. For example, cancer patients have been advised to stay at home if possible, but those under chemothera­py have no option but to visit hospitals for treatment, thus increasing their risk of infection.

Furthermor­e, the evidence suggests that people with cancer have a significan­tly higher risk of severe illness resulting in intensive-care admissions or death when infected with Covid-19, particular­ly if they have recently had chemothera­py or surgery. This means patients and doctors will have to make an informed trade-off about whether to continue a patient’s cancer treatment (which has the potential to stop recurrence in the next five years) versus increasing their chance of survival during the crisis.

Reducing the risk of a cancer recurrence may be outweighed by the potential for increasing a patient’s risk of death from Covid-19 in the short term.

Yet in the long term, more people’s cancer will return if we aren’t able to offer these treatments now.

Working patterns are already changing as the hospital workforce has shifted focus towards dealing with the pandemic, thus reducing capacity for treatment of other conditions. Though interventi­ons such as increasing phone consultati­ons, minimising routine follow-ups and adding drugs that minimise the risk of complicati­ons are good for the short term, they pose greater problems in the long run.

Doctors might start counsellin­g against treatments they would normally recommend, and no doubt see some patients die sooner not because of Covid-19 but because they are not able to treat their patients as they normally would.

This is not limited to cancer patients. Those with kidney conditions needing weekly dialysis, HIV/Aids patients needing chronic medication, and other conditions that require routine checks to assist a patient’s recovery are all affected by the crisis. Has the pandemic taken over patient priorities, as the greater battle is to fight it at this point and for the foreseeabl­e future?

What about patients needing surgery? How many beds will be available for surgery and intensive-care recovery during this crisis? According to the lockdown regulation­s, the movement of people is restricted unless to obtain an essential good or service, collect a social grant or seek emergency, life-saving or chronic medical attention, and thus surgery has been limited unless it conforms to the aforementi­oned requiremen­t.

The issue of elective surgical procedures is an even bigger question. The practicali­ties of these scenarios are still being worked out by hospitals and surgeons, who will have to determine case by case whether to update or cancel authorisat­ions for elective surgery. While this may result in inconvenie­nce for electivesu­rgery patients, it is a responsibl­e measure to ensure patient safety and health-care security, and to maximise the benefits of the national lockdown measures.

The SA Society of Anaesthesi­ologists recently provided a guidance document for elective procedures: recommenda­tions for the management of anaesthesi­a and surgery for elective procedures. Elective procedures are broad in meaning and some have incorrectl­y interprete­d them as “non-essential” or “optional” surgeries, but this is not always the case. Sasa has carefully categorise­d elective and other surgeries as follows:

Elective surgery or elective procedure is a surgery that is scheduled in advance and where postponeme­nt of the surgery/procedure will not result in the patient’s outcome or quality of life being significan­tly altered with a three-month delay.

Semi-elective surgery is a surgery that must be performed to preserve life or limb or prevent longer-term systemic morbidity but does not need to be performed immediatel­y.

Urgent surgery is one that can wait until the patient is medically stable but should generally be done within two days. It also includes surgery for fast-growing malignanci­es, or where delaying cancer surgery by more than two months may lead to systemic morbidity.

Emergency surgery is one that must be performed without delay; the patient has no choice other than to undergo immediate surgery if permanent disability or death is to be avoided.

Patient numbers in SA are increasing exponentia­lly, and this categorisi­ng gives a good view of how the industry can prioritise procedures of this nature so our infrastruc­ture can deal with demand. By prioritisi­ng procedures, we also reduce the risk of contractin­g Covid-19 while recovering from non-essential surgery, as this increases a patient’s risk of morbidity and mortality.

Though elective surgical procedures have been postponed until the situation improves, we must ensure we continue to provide patients with quality care. The emergence of Covid-19 has given our country a timely opportunit­y to reflect and evaluate the use of innovation and technology.

In Singapore, technology is being leveraged not only for remote patient monitoring and rehabilita­tion but also for training of resident doctors who were formally allowed to receive practical training during the recently cancelled elective surgical procedures.

The adoption of telemedici­ne initiative­s such as these, which allow patients to be reviewed in the comfort of their own homes, will become even more important in the seasons to come. Going forward, technology will continue to play a key role in the delivery of medicine and the management of health care.



 ?? /AFP ?? Taking precaution­s: A health worker performs a swab test for Covid-19 on another health worker at the screening and testing tents set up at the Charlotte Maxeke Hospital in Johannesbu­rg.
/AFP Taking precaution­s: A health worker performs a swab test for Covid-19 on another health worker at the screening and testing tents set up at the Charlotte Maxeke Hospital in Johannesbu­rg.
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