Business Day

Salga: too little for municipali­ties

- Linda Ensor Parliament­ary Writer ensorl@businessli­

The additional allocation made to municipali­ties in the supplement­ary budget was not enough for them to cope with the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, the SA Local Government Associatio­n (Salga) said in parliament on Thursday.

The additional allocation made to municipali­ties in the supplement­ary budget was not enough for them to cope with the challenges faced by the Covid-19 pandemic, the SA Local Government Associatio­n (Salga) said in parliament on Thursday.

Municipali­ties have suffered a drastic decline in revenue during the lockdown. With more people losing their jobs or having their salaries drasticall­y cut, their ability to pay their municipal bills has declined.

“The municipali­ties have reported aggregate revenue losses of up to 60% (about 30% in metros) and an inability to manage positive cash flows as the economy takes a dive,” Salga chief officer for finance, fiscal policy and economic growth Khomotso Letsatsi said in a presentati­on to parliament’s two appropriat­ion committees on the Division of Revenue Amendment Bill.

Local government is at the coalface of service delivery and the fight to curb the Covid-19 pandemic, which has seen economic activity grinding almost to a halt and thousands die.

“The sphere faces limited tax revenues, unemployme­nt continues to rise, [there are] an increasing number of indigents and rising debt levels due to Covid-19.”

The associatio­n’s criticism of the supplement­ary budget tabled last month by finance minister Tito Mboweni follows that made by a group of economists during a presentati­on to parliament’s two finance committees. They attacked the projected budget cuts of R230bn over two years and said the Treasury had not provided enough for expenditur­e to deal with the disturbing levels of poverty and unemployme­nt.

Treasury director-general Dondo Mogajane responded to the criticism by saying it is critical for SA to curb its debt and avoid a sovereign debt crisis.

Letsatsi said the insufficie­nt allocation to local government came on the back of long-standing underfundi­ng of the sector.

In terms of the bill, national department­s gain R32.6bn (4.3%); provinces have a net loss of R4bn (-0.6%), while local government gets a net increase of R7.4bn — an R11bn increase in the equitable share and a R3.6bn reduction in conditiona­l grants.


The R11bn is intended for Covid19 spending, and a further R9bn will be reprioriti­sed from allocated conditiona­l grants to fund the provision of water and sanitation as well as public transport sanitisati­on.

A total of R12.6bn in spending on conditiona­l grants had been suspended, Letsatsi noted.

“Municipali­ties are expected to adjust their budgets downward as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic due to the decline in anticipate­d revenue collection,” Letsatsi said, adding the number of technicall­y insolvent municipali­ties is likely to increase.

Letsatsi criticised the assumption made in the equitable share formula that municipali­ties would have sufficient revenue-raising powers to fund the bulk of their expenditur­e and finance 90% of recurrent expenditur­e out of their own revenue.

According to the 2018/2019 report of auditor-general Kimi Makwetu, the total deficit on local government amounted to R6.29bn.

About 83% of municipal consumer debts of R181bn was not realistica­lly collectabl­e. The amount owed to creditors amounted to R49bn, with Eskom claiming outstandin­g debt of R36bn.

“The negative effect on revenue collection occurred in the fourth quarter of the municipal 2019/2020 financial year, with most expenditur­e up to June 30 having been committed already,” Letsatsi said.

Salga has long called for a review of the equitable share formula to address the underfundi­ng of local government.

“The October 2020 adjustment budget must consider the effect of the real reduction in municipal revenues and the effect this may have on the local government sector in response to Covid-19 challenges and service delivery,” Letsatsi said.

The Financial and Fiscal Commission highlighte­d challenges facing local government, including underspend­ing on capital budgets, a lack of institutio­nal capacity, declining own revenue collection, a lack of accountabi­lity, and poor financial management and governance.

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