Business Day

Dimension Data operates as one

- Mudiwa Gavaza gavazam@businessli­

Technology firm Dimension Data has almost completed rebranding a number of its business units under one name as part of an effort to simplify its operations. “There are just a few formalitie­s … but at an operationa­l level, with everything that we do with our clients, we’re operating as one Dimension Data,” Setumo Mohapi, chief go-tomarket officer, said in an interview with Business Day.

Dimension Data has almost completed rebranding a number of its business units under one name as part of an effort to simplify its operations.

Setumo Mohapi, chief go-tomarket officer for the company, said: “We ’ re not trading under the old trade names for sure. We ’ re now all Dimension Data, across the board.”

The technology group, headed by CEO Grant Bodley, has been made up of four business units: the traditiona­l Dimension Data systems integrator business; call centre unit Merchants; digital solutions unit Britehouse; and internet services provider Internet Solutions. It launched a cybersecur­ity arm, Dimension Data Security, in 2019.

The effort to simplify its business follows a trend in the industry which has seen firms such as Altron consolidat­e its businesses under its own “One Altron ” strategy. At EOH the story is similar. Before Stephen van Coller and his team came in, EOH was made up of 268 entities and operations, which it is working to consolidat­e and bring under three business units: iOCO, Nextec and IP.

Dimension Data was once considered one of the largest technology companies on the JSE, with market capitalisa­tion of R77bn at its peak in September 2000.

It delisted from the exchange in 2010, after being bought by Japanese technology firm Nippon Telegraph & Telephone (NTT) for £2.1bn. Dimension Data remains an independen­tly branded affiliate of the NTT Group and retains the Dimension Data brand.

Earlier this year, the group said it would retire its brands Britehouse, Internet Solutions and Continuity­SA in a move that will result in the group operating under one name and reduce duplicatio­n.

“There are just a few formalitie­s that have to play out for the brands to be formally retired but at an operationa­l level, with everything that we do with our clients, we’re operating as one Dimension Data,” said Mohapi.

Part of the justificat­ion for the new operating model is to reduce redundancy and duplicatio­n of services in the company and to have a unified approach to dealing with clients.

Mohapi explained that clients consume, access and use a number of services and products from the firm, which made for an inefficien­t structure where its business units would offer similar offerings and often compete for the same business.

“We can [now] have a conversati­on with you [the client] that deals with your IT operations, workplace environmen­t, client offering, security, risk or governance environmen­t, and so on. This is what one Dimension Data is able to offer our clients. Something we were not able to do easily in the past.”

Mohapi said Covid-19 has not slowed the progress of realigning the business.

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