Business Day

Trump shows why he should be fired


Even by the standards of a bleak year, Tuesday night s presidenti­al debate was deeply dispiritin­g. ’ Granted, it served in its way to confirm what voters already know, or ought to know, about President Donald Trump that he s a bloviating bully who says whatever

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comes into his head and cannot bear to hear anybody else speak. But precisely for that reason there was no real engagement with questions of policy. Worse, there was no sign that good-faith disagreeme­nt is any longer possible in American politics.

Presidenti­al debates are rarely apt to change voters

minds, but this one marked a new low. It seemed all the more disgracefu­l coming amid a pandemic that has already claimed more than 200,000 US lives. In truth, it suggested a political system on the point of collapse.

It would be wrong to blame moderator Chris Wallace, who did as much as anybody could to impose order and elicit thoughtful or informativ­e answers. In future debates, the moderators would do viewers a service by insisting on the right to turn microphone­s off if rules are broken.

Biden deserves credit for trying to debate according to normal standards that is, by mentioning policy

proposals and referring to facts. In this gladiatori­al setting, such an approach cannot succeed with Trump, but descending to the president s level wouldn t have suc

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ceeded either. As a mark of respect for voters, Biden was right to make the effort.

At the end of this dismal evening, one brief moment of clarity appeared and is worth noting. Both candidates were asked whether they would urge their supporters, in view of likely vote-counting delays, to be patient and wait calmly for the election results to be certified. Trump equivocate­d. Biden said yes. Even if there weren t a

hundred other reasons to vote Trump out of office, that by itself would suffice. / New York, September 30

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