Business Day

What puzzles and poker teach us about misinforma­tion


Here’s a quiz question: what do puzzles, poker and misinforma­tion have in common? The answer is at the bottom of this column.

Let ’ s try an easier question. In Santa’s workshop, if it takes five elves five minutes to wrap five presents, how long does it take 50 elves to wrap 50 presents? You probably know the answer to that one; it follows a classic formula for a trick question.

But as you groped towards the correct answer you may have had to fight off your instinct to blurt out 50 minutes. The arithmetic is no challenge; the difficulty is pausing for a moment to carry that arithmetic out, while fending off the obvious but incorrect answer that pops into your mind unbidden.

An even more famous example is the “bat and ball” question: if a bat and a ball together cost $1.10, and the bat costs a dollar more than the ball, how much does the ball cost? “Ten cents!”, screams the instinctiv­e response, but it does not require a spreadshee­t to work out that that is not right. It just requires one to stop and think (or to have heard the question before).

Here’s a less famous one: if you flip a coin three times, what is the probabilit­y of flipping at least two heads? A naive response is that two out of three flips need to come good, and the chance of that is one-third. A more sophistica­ted response recognises that three coin flips produce eight possible combinatio­ns — so perhaps the probabilit­y is three out of eight? Work through those eight combinatio­ns, however, and you realise that the true chance is 50-50.

Often people see false claims and share them impulsivel­y, not because they cannot figure out that the claims are false, but because they didn’t stop long enough to try. Questions such as these are called cognitive reflection problems. They were made famous by Daniel Kahneman in his book Thinking, Fast and Slow . They were developed by behavioura­l economist Shane Frederick and vary in difficulty, but the ideal cognitive reflection problem has an answer that is simple, obvious, and wrong — as well as a correct answer that is not too hard to calculate.

Behavioura­l scientists Gordon Pennycook and David Rand have published studies drawing the connection between cognitive reflection problems and online misinforma­tion. Often people see false claims and share them impulsivel­y, not because they cannot figure out that the claims are false, but because they didn’t stop long enough to try. Spotting fake news, like realising the ball costs just 5c and the 50 elves wrap 50 presents in just five minutes, requires us to stop and think for a moment. And who has time for that these days?


Pennycook and Rand have found that people who score higher on Frederick’s cognitive reflection test also do better at distinguis­hing truth from politicall­y partisan falsehood. They conducted a survey that found most people were perfectly able to distinguis­h serious journalism from fake news. When they amplified absurd headlines such as “Over 500 ‘ migrant caravaners’ arrested with suicide vests”, they did so not because they wanted to spread misinforma­tion, nor because they themselves were unable to detect lies, but because in a world full of distractio­ns they hadn’t really stopped to think.

Let ’ s move to poker. To the uninitiate­d, it is a game involving three elements: luck, calculatio­n and deception. But profession­al players say a fourth element is just as important: controllin­g your emotions, or more often, failing to do so —“going on tilt”. In her foray into profession­al poker, The Biggest Bluff, psychologi­st Maria Konnikova describes “tilt ” as “letting emotions — incidental ones that aren’t integral to your decision process affect decision making”. This may mean rage, as in the tale of the gambler so incandesce­nt that he rammed a billiard ball into his mouth then realised he could not remove it. But as Konnikova points out, it may also be a positive emotion such as taking a liking to a fellow player, or feeling joy at winning a hand.

We cannot escape our emotions, but clear decision-making requires that we notice them and take them into account. Just as a poker player can go on tilt, so can any of us as we read the headlines or scroll through social media. Indeed, we should expect those headlines to be tilting ”: headline writers aim for impact, while social media thrives on emotional engagement from joy to fury.

“The goal,” writes Konnikova, is to learn to identify our emotions, analyse their cause, and if they ’ re not actually part of our rational decision process ... dismiss them as sources of informatio­n ”. Good advice for poker players. But good advice for anyone doomscroll­ing through Twitter or shouting at the radio during the news bulletin.

My advice is simply to take note of your emotional reaction to each headline, sound bite or statistica­l claim. Is it joy, rage, triumph? Fine. But having noticed it, keep thinking. You may find clarity emerges once your emotions have been acknowledg­ed.

So what do puzzles, poker, and misinforma­tion have in common? Some puzzles and poker hands require enormous intellectu­al resources to navigate, and the same is true of subtle statistica­l fallacies. But much of the time we fool ourselves in simple ways. Slow down, calm down, and the battle for truth is already half won.

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