Business Day

Match abandoned, rest of tour in doubt

• Two members of England s touring party return unconfirme­d positive tests for Covid-19

- Nick Said and Mark Gleeson

Sunday s one-day internatio­nal between SA and England in Paarl was abandoned after two members of the tourists’ party returned unconfirme­d positive tests for the novel coronaviru­s, the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) said.

A decision will be made on whether the final two matches of the series will be played on Monday and Wednesday as scheduled once the results of the tests have been ratified.

The abandonmen­t follows a fresh round of testing after two

hotel workers in the bio-secure environmen­t in which both teams are staying returned positive results. England had previously expressed concern about the bio-secure environmen­t.

“We regret that we are unable to play in today’s [Sunday’s] ODI, but the welfare of the players and support staff is our primary concern and while we await the results of further tests the medical advice from both teams was that this game should not take place,” Ashley Giles, MD, England Men’s Cricket, said on Sunday.

We remain in constant dialogue with Cricket SA and will continue to work closely with them to determine how best to move forward,” Giles said.

SA’s director of cricket Graeme Smith said it was hoped the final two matches could still be played.

“We are deeply regretful of the situation we find ourselves in after the amount of time and energy that has been put in place to host a successful tour,” Smith said.

We are in continuous talks with the ECB as we navigate the situation under the guidance of our combined medical teams.”

The unconfirme­d positive results take to seven the number of Covid-19 related incidents on the six-match white-ball tour, two of which occurred in the SA camp before the series started. There have now been five in the bio-secure environmen­t.

Roy Davies, GM of the Vineyard Hotel where the teams are staying, said the hotel is investigat­ing how two staff members contracted the virus.

At this stage, it is not clear how the staff members became infected as neither have left the bio-secure area since 16 November and they do not work on the same team or in the same area,” he said in a statement.

Our Covid-19 response team is endeavouri­ng to establish all the facts and contact tracing is under way.”

It would be a huge blow for cash-strapped Cricket SA if the rest of the tour was cancelled and put in doubt visits by Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Australia in the next few months.

 ??  ?? Ashley Giles
Ashley Giles

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