Business Day

We will be coming up roses after the crisis, says history’s garden guide

- Gary Rynhart

As late as March 1916 Douglas Haig, the commander-inchief who led British efforts in World War 1, sought to limit the number of machine guns per battalion in case it “dampened the men’s fighting spirit”. He used the same reasoning to explain his resistance to steel helmets.

Haig was old school. So old school that even in 1926, a full decade after the disastrous Battle of the Somme (the bloodiest in UK military history), he held tight in his dismissal of modern technology. “I believe that the value of the horse and the opportunit­y of the horse in the future are likely to be as great as ever. Aeroplanes and tanks are only accessorie­s to the men and the horse.” And with that, Haig’s place in history as a caricature was secure. Those who don’t embrace changes in technology mostly get run over by it.

The Covid-19 pandemic has seen accelerate­d use and deployment of technology, from remote work and distribute­d workforces to online conference­s, telemedici­ne and online education. This will have profound implicatio­ns for the future, coming after a decade of technologi­cal innovation that was marked by a polemical discourse on how technology can/will displace so many jobs.

Fears of robots and machines displacing jobs have been around a long time, and have mostly proven to be overblown. Take the new technologi­es that produced the car, or automobile as it was.

What actually resulted from this technologi­cal revolution was the creation of a whole range of supplement­ary industries. Filling stations, repair shops and spare part suppliers. All new jobs. In other ways, the car transforme­d society. It became possible to live further from your place of work. Cheaper housing out of town appeared as a new option. Travel was greatly accommodat­ed, along with hotels. All positive outcomes.

So why the hysteria over job displaceme­nt now, many ask? There are two difference­s with this age of technologi­cal innovation.

First, speed. The lag between the processes of invention and innovation and those of commercial­isation (from patent to operation) has narrowed considerab­ly. Technologi­es are diffusing much faster now than they have in the past. It took the telephone 75 years to reach 50million users. Angry Birds took 35 days to reach that number and Pokeman Go only 19 days.

Second is the potential negative effect on developing countries and specifical­ly the traditiona­l model of economic developmen­t — mass manufactur­ing. During previous incarnatio­ns of technologi­cal change, from the Industrial Revolution through to more recent iterations, new manufactur­ing technologi­es mainly benefited low- and medium-skilled workers by simplifyin­g the tasks workers had to perform. Technologi­cal progress did not induce a longterm rise in unemployme­nt as production increased drasticall­y, allowing prices to fall and consumers to buy more goods.

This “mass employment manufactur­ing model ” has been a well-worn path to economic success and there have been spectacula­r examples among countries, such as South Korea, Japan and China. But that option is now largely over.

Automation and artificial intelligen­ce (AI) can both eliminate lower and medium-skilled jobs and facilitate the production of goods closer to the markets they are sold in. That is bad news for African countries that are targeting manufactur­ing as a job-rich sector. This sector has traditiona­lly been a stock deliverer of the (often lower skilled) jobs that are badly needed on this continent.

The global disruption to supply chains caused by the pandemic is acting as further catalyst to automation and technologi­cal deployment. As the pandemic hit in the second quarter last year an EY global survey revealed that almost half of company bosses in 45 countries were speeding up plans to automate their businesses. Those numbers have now increased.

According to the World Economic Forum’s “The Future of Jobs 2020”, more than 80% of business executives are accelerati­ng plans to digitise work processes and deploy new technologi­es, and 50% of employers are expecting to accelerate the automation of some roles in their companies.

Yet there are reasons to be optimistic. Global crises often overturn existing orders and long-held norms and pave the way for new systems and structures to emerge. They also traditiona­lly introduce new ideas and innovation.

The decade that followed the 1918 Spanish flu was marked by creativity, innovation and technologi­cal advancemen­t. For example, in the 1920s patent growth in the US was about 25% compared to the previous decade. New types of companies emerged, such as management consultanc­ies, and new sectors emerged or older ones were transforme­d, such as transport, entertainm­ent, advertisin­g, telecoms, pharmaceut­icals and health.

Look at any truly global crisis in the past 100 years and you see economic, social and political changes in the decade that followed. Political disruption follows financial crises (1929 and 2008, for example). It’s hardly a news flash, but health crises lead to innovation and advances in health care (Spanish flu and HIV/Aids). Economic crises lead to bold ideas (the 1970s oil crisis paradoxica­lly launched renewable energy).

A postcrisis period such as the one we are about to enter will enable big ideas to emerge and there will be a greater appetite to adopt them. Technologi­cal innovation will now more than ever grease the wheels of change.

● Rynhart is senior specialist in employers’ activities with the Internatio­nal Labour Organisati­on, based in SA. He is author of ‘Colouring the Future: Why the UN plan to end poverty and wars is working’.

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