Business Day

J&J to deliver extra shots — Ramaphosa

• President moves SA back to lightest lockdown level as vaccinatio­n programme gathers pace

- Claudi Mailovich Senior Political Writer

SA has signed a deal with pharmaceut­ical company Johnson & Johnson (J&J) that adds 2-million more doses to what was initially secured, President Cyril Ramaphosa revealed on Sunday evening.

Vaccinatio­n is critical as it will save lives and support the complete reopening of the economy, which has been devastated by the lockdown imposed to curb the spread of the virus in SA, Ramaphosa said in an address to the nation.

The coronaviru­s has hit SA harder than any other country on the African continent. By Saturday more than 1.5-million cases and close to 50,000 deaths from Covid-19 had been officially recorded, though scientists estimate that the true figures could be much higher.

Ramaphosa has, however, now opened up more parts of the economy as the second wave of the infections has passed. And the government’s vaccine strategy is being ramped up.

“We have recently signed an agreement with Johnson &

Johnson to secure 11-million doses. Of these, 2.8-million doses will be delivered in the second quarter and the rest spread throughout the year,” Ramaphosa said in a televised address. This is up from the 9-million doses of J&J’s singleshot vaccine that were originally secured.

The announceme­nt comes a day after the US Food and Drug Administra­tion (FDA) issued an emergency-use authorisat­ion for the J&J vaccine for the prevention of Covid-19.


While the SA Health Products Regulatory Authority is still busy with its own rolling review of the vaccine, the move by the FDA is seen as positive.

At present the J&J vaccine is being administer­ed to healthcare workers as part of the Sisonke implementa­tion study, which was devised as a bridging mechanism until other vaccines become available.

Ramaphosa said in the 10 days since SA launched its coronaviru­s vaccinatio­n pro

gramme more than 67,000 health workers — those at the frontline of the Covid-19 fight — had been vaccinated.

SA also secured 20-million vaccine doses from Pfizer, which will be delivered from the second quarter of this year.

“Additional­ly, we have secured 12-million vaccine doses from the Covax facility and are in the process of finalising our dose allocation from the AU,” Ramaphosa said.

The SA government is in constant contact with various other vaccine manufactur­ers to ensure that SA will have the necessary quantities of vaccines when it needs them.

In terms of the vaccinatio­n programme, Ramaphosa said that once the vaccinatio­n of health-care workers had been completed, phase two of the rollout would begin in late April or early May. Phase two would include the elderly, essential workers, those living or working in institutio­nal settings and those with comorbidit­ies.

Ramaphosa said for this phase SA would activate many more sites for vaccinatio­n in the public and private health-care sectors so that as many people as possible could be reached in the shortest possible time.

While the vaccine rollout is critical in terms of economic recovery, Ramaphosa announced that the country will now move back to the least restrictiv­e level of the lockdown.

The country was moved back to level 3 of the lockdown in December as the second wave hit the country but restrictio­ns have been gradually lifted since then.

As part of the latest relaxation of the regulation­s the curfew will now be in place from 12am to 4am. Gatherings, including political and religious meetings, are now allowed with limited numbers, while restrictio­ns on alcohol sales have been dropped. The only alcohol restrictio­n that remains in place is that alcohol cannot be sold during the hours of curfew.

“The few remaining restrictio­ns under alert level 1 are meant to maintain low levels of infections and, in particular, to prevent super-spreading events,” Ramaphosa said.


 ??  ?? Cyril Ramaphosa
Cyril Ramaphosa

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