Business Day

Cameroon soldiers accused of mass rape and murder

- Josiane Kouagheu

Cameroonia­n soldiers raped at least 20 women and killed a man in a raid on a village last year, Human Rights Watch (HRW) has alleged, calling it one of the worst attacks by the army since an insurgency by anglophone separatist­s began in 2016.

Witnesses told the New York-based rights group that the attack on March 1, 2020, was a reprisal against civilians in the village of Ebam suspected of collaborat­ing with rebels seeking independen­ce from the mostly francophon­e state.

Reached for comment, Cameroon’s army spokespers­on dismissed the findings.

“We have better things to do than react to this report. Human Rights Watch is clearly complicit in the terrorists’ atrocities,” said Col Cyrille Atonfack, referring to the rebels.

The conflict between state forces and rebels demanding independen­ce has killed more than 3,500 people and forced 700,000 from their homes, researcher­s say.

Rights groups accuse both sides of committing atrocities. While the government typically dismisses these accusation­s, it has, in a few cases, subsequent­ly arrested soldiers and accused them of being involved in killings and torture.

News of the attack in Ebam has been slow to emerge due partly to stigma and fear of reprisals, HRW said in a report.

The rights group added that the incident suggests sexual violence is much more pervasive in the conflict than has been documented.

It said it conducted interviews with 20 rape survivors, as well as multiple other witnesses, a doctor who screened the survivors, aid workers and UN officials with knowledge of the incident.

The witnesses said more than 50 soldiers entered Ebam at about 3am and broke into nearly all 75 houses in the village, stealing money, assaulting women and rounding up the men.

“The military asked me and other villagers: ‘Where are you keeping the amba [separatist­s]?’” one of the victims told HRW. “They said: ‘The next time we come here, we’ll shoot everyone if you don’t show us the amba now.’”

One man was also killed after being transferre­d to a nearby military base, the report reads.

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