Business Day

Shameful state of mining rights


Any mining executive, lawyer or investor in SA’s resources industry listening to last week’s presentati­on by the department of mineral resources & energy about its handling of rights would be only too aware of its shortcomin­gs.

The problems of timeously granting prospectin­g and mining rights have been spoken of for years, with high levels of frustratio­n among executives and lawyers working in the sector.

There was a true jaw-dropper in the department’s statistics of applicatio­ns made since 2004, when the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Developmen­t Act was promulgate­d. Nearly 60% of 400 applicatio­ns to have mineral rights transferre­d in the past 17 years have yet to be granted. These transfers are the very essence of deal flow in the resources sector. That the department is sitting on 238 that need ministeria­l approval is incomprehe­nsible.

All the talk from minister Gwede Mantashe about revitalisi­ng the industry and its glorious future must be weighed against this one statistic. Nearly two-thirds of mineral right transfer applicatio­ns are sitting on his desk.

Those attending the department’s presentati­on on its lacklustre performanc­e were not given any insight into this particular­ly worrying backlog by officials, who had a host of excuses for the department’s problems.

From the outset, let it be said there are many hardworkin­g, dedicated officials in the department and regional offices who are trying to do what they can to make the processes work, but they are facing incredible obstacles.

The overarchin­g excuse provided to MPs was that there were appeals and objections holding up the process, and this difficulty was exacerbate­d by Covid-19 lockdowns. Fair enough. But no weight was given to this excuse by officials citing how many of the 2,485 prospectin­g, 235 mining and 1,644 permit applicatio­ns were held up because of these constraint­s.

Then it came down to management. An item called “tools of trade” was blamed for bringing regional offices handling these applicatio­ns to a “complete halt”. Presumably these would be items such as computers, printers, internet access and paper.

The excuse of the day was that the department had little to no consequenc­e management, meaning staff could do whatever they liked and there was no sanction. Department­al officials were also tardy in loading data into the Samrad digital mineral rights system, effectivel­y gumming up the works.

Imagine a listed mining company behaving like this. Shareholde­rs would revolt, throw out those responsibl­e for the disarray and bring in fresh leadership. The department’s shareholde­rs are the mining companies paying billions of rand in taxes and the general public who pay salaries for staff in the department.

For all those in the mining industry who have dealt with Samrad, a system so bad it has been a joke for years, there is further bad news. It “should be developed further” rather than be thrown away, the officials told MPs. Other African countries used a digital mineral rights management system, or cadastre, that allows unfettered access for anyone from anywhere in the world to look at all mineral tenements and see immediatel­y the status of these properties and who has rights and then make applicatio­ns.

Samrad has none of this transparen­cy or user friendline­ss, and the feeling is that it enables corruption. The industry has offered to pay whatever it takes to get a new cadastre system and hire hundreds of people to populate it with data. Has the department jumped at the offer? No chance. The commonly held view is that industry involvemen­t in this process and the shining of a light into the dark recesses of the department’s mineral rights management will expose incompeten­ce and malfeasanc­e.

It simply cannot be this difficult to manage the country’s mineral resources. That the department lurches from excuse to excuse and crisis to crisis is pitiful. It squanders SA’s inherent wealth and those involved should hang their heads in shame.


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