Business Day

No use to fishing workers


Sea Harvest CEO and SA Deep-Sea Trawling Industry Associatio­n chair Felix Ratheb attempts the impossible by defending the centralisa­tion of the large companies and their continued longterm domination of the fishing industry, in particular the hake deep-sea trawl fishery through the fishing rights allocation process, February 20).

He admits that “the propositio­n that additional opportunit­ies should be created in the fishery for black-owned SMMEs is less easy to dispel because it goes right to the heart of the government’s macroecono­mic policy, which entrenches SMMEs as drivers of economic growth, transforma­tion and job creation”.

The trawling industry created immense wealth for a few companies and individual­s, leaving the majority — including fishing workers, factory workers and often whole towns — impoverish­ed.

The associatio­n’s argument that a pitiful trickle down to SMME’s will in some way overcome this shameful apartheid legacy is ludicrous and wishful thinking.

Even by Ratheb’s own figures just 7% of the industry’s annual sales of R4.5bn, a measly R318.4m, is spent “with SMMEs [and] is directed at black- and female-owned businesses”. By the industry’s argument, fishing workers and their SMMEs should not be granted quotas, nor should they own boats and processing plants, but must wait for crumbs from the master’s table.

It would be reckless for the government to rely on this approach if it is serious about really transformi­ng the industry, the coastal towns and alleviatin­g the extreme poverty fishing communitie­s face. Real community developmen­t means fishing workers and their SMMEs, with government support, should be allowed to leverage their considerab­le ability to alleviate poverty through job creation and HR developmen­t. The monopolies and Ratheb’s article show they will always oppose this.

John Reed

Regent of the Korana Royal Small-Scale Fisheries Indigenous Council

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