Business Day

Still no sign of missing submarine

- Agustinus Beo Da Costa and Stanley Widianto

Indonesia has not detected any signs of a submarine that went missing with 53 crew on board, a navy spokespers­on said on Thursday, after rescuers found an oil slick a day earlier and as neighbouri­ng countries pledged to help.

The 44-year-old submarine, KRI Nanggala-402, was conducting a torpedo drill north of the island of Bali on Wednesday but failed to relay the results, a navy spokespers­on said.

An aerial search found an oil spill near the submarine’s dive location and two navy vessels with sonar capability had been deployed to assist in the search, officials said.

Asked about reports of movement detected under water, navy spokespers­on Julius Widjojono said that based on informatio­n received so far the missing submarine had not yet been spotted or heard on sonar, and no contact with the crew had been made.

Earlier, he told KompasTV the diesel-powered submarine that runs on electric batteries while submerged could sustain a depth of 250m-500m.

“Anything more than that can be pretty fatal, dangerous,” the spokespers­on told KompasTV.

The navy said in statement on Wednesday: “It is possible that during static diving, a blackout occurred so control was lost and emergency procedures cannot be carried out and the ship falls to a depth of 600m-700m.”

The seas in the area are shallower than in other parts of the archipelag­o but can be more than 1,500m deep.

Indonesia said a number of countries had responded to requests for assistance.

Australian foreign minister Marise Payne said Australia would “help in any way we can”. “We operate very different submarines from this one, but the Australian Defence Force ... will work with defence operations in Indonesia to determine what we may be able to do,” Payne said.

Singapore has deployed a submarine rescue vessel to help, the city-state’s defence minister said, and Malaysia was also sending a ship.

Indonesian military chief Hadi Tjahjanto said in a text message on Wednesday that contact with the vessel was lost at 4.30am and a search was under way 96km off Bali. The oil slick could indicate damage to the vessel or could be a signal from the crew, the navy said.

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