Business Day

Herd immunity looks like a long shot now

• Covid-19 will probably become endemic as the goalposts are constantly shifting

- Michelle Fay Cortez

As Covid-19 surged last year, government­s touted the hope of “herd immunity” ,a promised land where the virus stopped spreading exponentia­lly because enough people were protected against it. That is now looking like a fantasy.

The thinking was that the pandemic would ebb and fade once a chunk of the population, possibly 60% to 70%, was vaccinated or had resistance through a previous infection.

But new variants which are more transmissi­ble and been shown to evade these protection­s in some cases, are moving the bar for herd immunity near impossibly high levels.

The Delta variant is spurring widening outbreaks in countries such as the US and UK that have already been walloped by the virus, and presumably have some measure of natural immunity in addition to vaccinatio­n rates of more than 50%. It is also hitting nations that have until now kept the virus out almost entirely, such as Australia and China.

The Infectious Diseases Society of America estimates that Delta has pushed the threshold for herd immunity to more than 80%. Public health officials have drawn controvers­y by shifting the goalposts, increasing the number of people who need protection before hitting herd immunity. Meanwhile, vaccine hesitancy and supply issues mean most countries will not get close to even the original numbers.

“Will we get to herd immunity? No, very unlikely, by definition,” said Greg Poland, director of vaccine research at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Even a vaccinatio­n rate of as high as 95% would not achieve it, he said.

“It is a neck-and-neck race between the developmen­t of ever more highly transmissi­ble variants which develop the capacity to evade immunity, and immunisati­on rates.”

Nature will not solve the problem, either. It is unclear how long natural immunity gained from surviving Covid-19 will last, and whether it will be effective at fighting off new strains. Future variants, including some that could evade immunity more efficientl­y than Delta, raise questions about how — and when — this will be over.

“If it was as simple as getting the infection once means you are immune for life, that would be great, but I don’t think that’s the case,” said SV Mahadevan, director for Asian health research at Stanford University Medical Centre. “That’ sa troubling problem.”

Already there are signs that some people, and some places

— such as Brazil and other countries in South America — are being battered a second time by newer strains.

Without herd immunity, the virus could linger for decades in some form, possibly forcing the world’s most powerful nations to adjust their diverging strategies on opening borders and economies.

Countries such as China that have pursued tight, Covid-19zero policies by attempting to wipe out every infection, may eventually have to consider a looser stance. Others such as the US and UK that have opened up despite a resurgence of the virus run the risk of wave after wave of infection.

Vaccines so far have not been the quick-fix some had hoped for. Israel, among the world’s most-vaccinated countries, has already started administer­ing booster shots, amid evidence that the current immunisati­ons are not offering the protection that was hoped. Last week, the US said Americans with weakened immune systems will get a third dose.

The most powerful vaccines, including the mRNA shots from Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna, would make it easier to reach high levels of immunity since they are so effective. Yet breakthrou­gh infections — cases in the immunised — are possible with even these shots. Other vaccines, including those made by China’s developers, AstraZenec­a and Johnson & Johnson, may offer even less protection.

Herd immunity is a real thing, protecting much of the world against viral threats from the measles to polio. Scientists credit it for helping eradicate smallpox. Having herd immunity as a goal probably helped the world embrace measures such as wearing masks and social distancing. But it also created a false narrative.

“The focus on ‘herd immunity’ has, in my view, been quite damaging,” said William Hanage, an epidemiolo­gist and expert in communicab­le disease dynamics at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health. “It presents people with an unrealisti­c vision of how the pandemic comes to a close and doesn’t account for the evolution of either the virus or the nature of disease in reinfectio­ns.”

Some countries learnt the shortfalls of herd immunity the hard way. UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson originally planned to use it as the primary approach to Covid-19, suggesting some of his constituen­ts could “take it on the chin” with natural infections before the magnitude of the coronaviru­s’ force became apparent.

Others are now throwing in the towel, with Indonesia most vocally leading the way. The world’s fourth-most populous nation determined that it would be impossible to stop the virus even if everyone in the country was immunised. It is redoubling its efforts to promote mask wearing and social distancing, while continuing to boost the still-low vaccinatio­n rate.

Meanwhile, Singapore and Australia are easing cautiously towards reopening, promising they will do so as they hit sufficient­ly high vaccinatio­n levels. Population­s in Covid-19zero nations usually have lower levels of natural immunity built through previous infections.

Despite evidence that it will be difficult or impossible to reach herd immunity, many public health officials are unwilling to give up on it. Government­s worldwide are focused on widening inoculatio­n programmes.

Yet the individual­istic approach of many countries, and vaccine shortages, are contributi­ng to the global problem. The risk of the virus remains for everyone, as long as any nation is experienci­ng huge outbreaks.

The world is unlikely to put the pandemic behind it until 2022 at the earliest, experts say. That target could be pushed back if the virus mounts another metamorpho­sis to become even more transmissi­ble or even better at evading resistance.

There is hope for new vaccines and other approaches that could stop transmissi­on, but none of those are in human trials yet. Instead, the virus has a high likelihood of remaining entrenched globally, causing outbreaks that are hopefully mitigated partly by vaccinatio­ns, masking and other public health-driven interventi­ons.

“Delta is not something we will be able to eradicate,” Hanage said. “Even Alpha would have been hard. However with sufficient immunity, ideally achieved by vaccinatio­n, we can expect it to become a much milder illness.”

The Spanish flu of 1918 shows how Covid-19 may play out, the Mayo Clinic’s Poland said. It is likely that variants will continue to emerge, forcing the use of boosters or routine immunisati­ons, targeted to the newer strains. “Then, if we are lucky, what is likely to happen is that this will become something more akin to influenza, where we will always have it,” Poland said. “It’ll become more seasonal, just like the coronaviru­ses that are already circulatin­g, and we will just have to keep immunising.”


 ?? /123RF /KVitajan ?? Long haul: The pandemic looks unlikely to be over until 2022 at the earliest, experts say
— and that date could be pushed back if virus variants become even more transmissi­ble.
/123RF /KVitajan Long haul: The pandemic looks unlikely to be over until 2022 at the earliest, experts say — and that date could be pushed back if virus variants become even more transmissi­ble.

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