Business Day

Creating shared value can propel sustainabl­e social impact

• Getting stakeholde­r buy-in and identifyin­g a resonant societal challenge is the first step

- Namhla Saba Saba, a chartered accountant, is an independen­t social impact consultant.

Businesses in SA are recognisin­g the need to support their stakeholde­rs’ social value while constantly creating business value. They are also quickly realising that unaddresse­d social risk can rapidly escalate into material business and financial risks.

The ratings agencies have identified SA as one of the sovereigns whose credit rating is affected by its negative outlook of social risk, making the need to address societal issues more pressing.

Environmen­tal risk is rated moderate due to the effort put into the governance and financing of climate initiative­s.

In a bid to tackle societal and environmen­tal challenges, an increasing number of businesses in SA have committed to contributi­ng towards the realisatio­n of the 2030 sustainabl­e developmen­t goals (SDGs), thus addressing societal challenges.

Contributi­ng to the SDGs can take different forms, such as unlocking investment capital for impact projects, developing social impact products and solutions, and decreasing the negative impact or increasing the positive impact of investment­s on societal challenges.

Meeting the SDGs requires financing, intent and strategic execution towards sustainabl­e impact. We have seen over decades that funding alone does not drive impactful and sustainabl­e social impact.

Corporate SA traditiona­lly delegates its role in social developmen­t to its corporate social responsibi­lity (CSR) divisions. In most instances CSR is a function separate from core business. Billions of rand are spent annually on inequality-alleviatio­n activities. Though numerous CSR divisions create a wealth of social value, minimal examples have moved the poverty needle as their impact and effectiven­ess is constraine­d by resource limitation and lack of co-ordination.

Having identified the limitation­s of the “separate function” CSR approach, Harvard’s Michael Porter and Mark Kramer introduced the concept and framework of “shared value”. They argue that companies can move beyond CSR and gain a competitiv­e advantage by including social considerat­ions in their core business strategies. Companies have untapped potential in solving societal issues, and shared value is a strong, viable alternativ­e to tapping into that potential.


Porter notes that when businesses act as businesses and not as charitable donors, they can improve profitabil­ity while also improving critical societal wellbeing measures.

However, the main question is how does business effect this change? How does business effectivel­y continue creating business value and profit maximisati­on while addressing societal needs sustainabl­y?

Creating shared-value products and solutions will not work optimally if the relevant stakeholde­rs do not have buy-in.

Most core businesses are primarily set up to make a profit, and social considerat­ions have not materially been a point of considerat­ion.

It would be naive to think business will create sharedvalu­e products simply because it is the right thing to do. That has never been the nature of the beast. Shared value creation should thus be undertaken and driven by core business, with incentives to staff to make it work.

Corporates need to understand the concept of shared value and how it can work with and for their business and divisional objectives. They need to find the right societal challenge or problem to address that best suits or works in tandem with their products or service offering.

The importance of identifyin­g the societal issue that links to the business’s products is to enable the business to identify value chain linkages with the social issue quickly, establish lowhanging fruit for short-term immediate execution while working on a long-term strategy for reconceivi­ng, redesignin­g or introducin­g new products and solutions.

Solving societal issues through the core business model allows the business to serve a previously untapped market, as social needs remain the most unserved market.


The concept of creating social impact shared-value products and solutions requires dual skills, namely, business and social developmen­t. Effective social impact shared-value solutions require an in-depth understand­ing of the “problem” a product or solution is designed towards alleviatin­g.

Corporates have business skill, but they subvert the significan­ce of incorporat­ing social developmen­t skills and experience in the design and developmen­t of their products and solutions. Shared value has created a platform for the social sector’s role to evolve and expand in helping business create profit maximisati­on and social value.

The social sector is becoming a critical partner in creating relevant social impact shared-value initiative­s for core business strategy. This is mainly attributab­le to the social sector’s assets, such as relationsh­ips, expertise, knowledge and resources corporates don’t have but need in their products and solutions design process.

For example, the social sector can help improve and redesign

products, offering to align with the desired social change, better understand the underserve­d, unbanked, unhoused and poorly educated to position the corporate as an essential partner to their clients such as the government.

There is ample room for SA businesses in different sectors to proactivel­y embark on sharedvalu­e products.

Shared-value initiative­s are not only supposed to assist in poverty alleviatio­n, business can also benefit from creating a competitiv­e advantage.

Building strong partnershi­ps with organisati­ons that know the grassroots socioecono­mic factors, and hence markets, will be vital in developing or redesignin­g relevant products for propelling sustainabl­e social impact.

 ??  ?? Switched on: The days of separate corporate social responsibi­lity divisions are over, and businesses must pursue shared-value solutions if they want to make a real difference. /123RF/nexusplexu­s
Switched on: The days of separate corporate social responsibi­lity divisions are over, and businesses must pursue shared-value solutions if they want to make a real difference. /123RF/nexusplexu­s

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